Hanji X Mike

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Mikasa: welcome to wonderland guys where random things happen everytime we react to ships

Annie: yeah...

Eren: Levi~Senpaiiiiiiii

Levi~senpai: what eren?

Eren: I wanna cuddle I'm cold

*levi and Eren cuddle*

Sasha: aww cute

Connie: haha okay who's reading the ship today

Petra: oh me today is my turn let's see...*reads ship* haha well this is interesting

Oluo: what why let m- *bites his tounge*

Petra: geez just go bleed out somewhere already

Mike: yeah

Levi: hey where's Hanji

*Hanji walks through the door*

Hanji: I'm baack I went on a walk with sonny and I just got back

Petra: wow talk about timing

Eren: say the ship already please

Petra: oh right right the ship is Hanji X Mike

Eren: oooo interesting cause Hanji should probably start liking more human men then falling in love with titans

Levi: four eyes is just plain weird in general but I can see them

Hanji: well I mean....

Mike: would you give me a chance Hanji

Hanji: oh sure why not let's go on a date later today then

Oluo: The rating is 200050001/10

Hanji: oh I'm exited for the date mike

Mike: Y-yeah

Eren: hey Mike if you need help here's my card in has my number on it

Mike: I'm gonna drive them out - Eren Jeagerbombastic?

Eren: its my name

Levi: no its not Eren

Eren: your no fun

Levi: didnt you say the opposite when you were moaning my name last night?

Eren: *blushing* Levi! *cuddles with levi*

Mikasa: well then looks like Hanji has a date to go to so how about all the men help Mike and us women help Hanji to get ready and plan this all out

Annie: then we should say bye

Mikasa: yup bye guys

Annie: bye guys

Eren: cya

Levi: bye

Everyone else: bye guys

Okay guys I am so so super sorry this came out late I was reading a book Eren x Neko Levi and I read it up until 6 when I got tired and fell asleep when I woke up it was almost nine and I started freaking out not just because of the chapter I hadn't posted but because for some reason when I fall am sleep during the day when I wake up I get confused and start getting scared like I dont know why but I do probably cause during school when I got home I ate then fell asleep for most of my day and yeah I guess I just get scared for a reason I know but can't explain

Anyway guys I'm so sorry about the and also sorry if anything is misspelled I think thats the last chapter for today but still leave me ideas on some ships you want me to do next and Leave me comments and feedback becuase I do love them they make me smile very much

Now I think I got everything out of the way so guys I hoped you liked today's chapter and the chapter of when I got tagged now I think I'm gonna leave here so till next time stay awesome guys

Alpha Out

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