Gray X Juvia

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Mikasa: hey guys welcome back to our world of wonder looks like we got more guests looks like we are gonna get quite a few daily now

Annie: today's two are Gray Fullbuster and Juvia Lockser

*gray and Juvia walk in*

Gray: hey what's up

Juvia: hello there everyone

Levi: hey

Eren: Hi

Mikasa: hey guys

Annie: h-hey there guys

Mikasa: well get comfy guys dont worry about anything let's get on with the ship

Bertholt: okay my turn *reads ship*
Gray X Ju-Juvia right?

Juvia: *turns crimson red and dies*

Gray: *blushes* oh uh cool

Juvia: gray-sama

Gray: Juvia i-i like you maybe I can give us a chance if you want that then we could just talk in slow

Juvia: of course Juvia loves Gray-sama very much anything for you

Mikasa: this is how people fall in love

Annie: yeah

Christa: hey guys what's up

Eren: nothing we just made another couple happen how did your date with Ymir go?

Christa: great it was perfect

Ymir: yup I took her to a nice restaurant then to a beautiful park she loved the animals

Christa: yeah it was the best time ever

Juvia: Juvia and gray-sama will go on a date soon too

Christa: really thats great good luck Juvia

Gray: well then we should get back to the guild Juvia We're need to go on a new job with Wendy and Carla

Juvia: ah yes I almost forgot let's go then shall we

*Gray and Juvia take the portal home*

Mikasa: another job well done

*Annie and Mikasa cuddle*


Levi: what is it Eren

Eren: i want a kiss and im cold

Levi: tch brat

*cuddles and makesout with Levi *

Jean: well then let's leave here guys

Mikasa: ah yes bye guys

Annie: bye

Levi and Eren: bye~

Jean: cya

So guys hoped you liked today's chapter I'm sorry if anything misspelled my mistake and also leave some feedback and comments they make me smile

As you get this let me say this was pre-written everything was on the same day July 30 so yeah saying that now so no need for any ideas for a while but if you have any then post them anyway I save them then write them when I can so yeah

Until next time Stay awesome guys see you soon

Alpha Signing Off

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