Jean X Mikasa

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Mikasa: Hey guys welcome back to watching us do stuff randomly

Eren: I wonder what todays ship is gonna be

Christa: what will today bring

Levi: okay today is my turn to read the ship

Jean: okay today for sure I just feel it

Mikasa: haha in your dreams no one would love you well except for horse that it

Jean: so cold....

Levi: okay then do this *reads the ship and the color drains from his face*

Eren: *pokes Levi* guys I think he's dead

Mikasa: no way what's the ship *reads ship same thing happens to her*

Armin: *pokes mikasa* yep they are defiantly dead

Jean: what could have killed them *reads ship and gets super happy * YESS MY DREAM HAS COME TRUE YES MY LIFE IS COMEPLETE ITS JEAN X MIKASA

Everyone: booooo BOO YOU SUCK HORSE FACE

Annie: your just a horse face go make out with horse or something

Eren: thats sad

Ymir: ha horse face probably sent that in

Christa: true.. but that isn't nice Ymir

Reiner and Bertholt: Hahaha hahaha

Shawna and Connie: *eating meat*

Hanji Petra Oluo and Mike: Hahaha horse face Hahaha funny

Mikasa and Levi: *finally goes back to normal*wha-what happened

Eren: Jean x Mikasa

Jean: *flirts with Mikasa* hey there girl *winks*

Levi: *pulls out swords * YOU ARE GONNA DIE NOW *runs towards Jean*

Horse: *breaks down the door* JEAN WHO DID YOU CHEAT ON ME WITH!!



*Jean and Levi start fighting*

*Horse tries to get Mikasa then they start fighting*

*Eren and Annie tie down Jean Levi Mikasa and Horse*

Armin: Calm down guys we haven't even seen the rating yet *looks at rating* -infinite/10

Jean: Negative!!!! Infinity!!! AHH NOO MY LIFE HAS BEEN RUINED


Reiner: I'm gonna take horse back to the stables

Levi: okay I'm good now after hearing the rating

Mikasa: same

Jean: *crying*

Eren: *unties Levi*

Armin: *unties Mikasa*

Marco: *walks in and unties Jean* its okay buddy its okay

Sasha: well since everyone is broken now we should sign off he then cause I think Mikasa and Levi are gonna die again any second

Connie: bye guys see you next time

Everyone: BYYEEE

Okay I put a lot into this chapter and this chapter will be for tomorrow because
I feel that I won't have time to write a chapter since I'll be busy with my sisters birthday if I get the time I will but if I dont then thats why
I wrote this chapter also I wanna post daily but I dont know yet maybe still
Im not sure but other than that be sure to comment and tell me what you want to see next
I will take any ships even its its boy x boy or girl x girl or boy x girl I will take anything but yeah
I hope you enjoyed today's chapter hope to see you come back for more other than that my brain hurts so I'm gonna take a break and chill but I will read your comments and reply to some if I can
love you guys see you soon  Byeee  alpha  out

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