Erwin X Levi

898 10 18

Mikasa: Hey guys welcome back to random world

Levi: yup

Eren: senpaiii

Annie: Mikasa?

Mikasa: yeah

Annie: can I read today's ship

Mikasa: of course

Erwin: Armin had to go with hanji to run some experiments now I'm lonely

Sasha: me and Connie are going for lunch oh and Petra Oulo Mike And tree all went to the bar so yeah bye guys

Connie: cya later guys

Mikasa: looks like its gonna be a little empty today

Bertholt: yeah

Reiner: *starts making out with bertholt*


*Levi grabs Eren and put him on his lap so Eren is facing Levi and starts making out with Eren better than the other two*

Annie: okay to the ship *reads ship *
Oh Erwin X Levi......rating100/10

Erwin: uhh Armin is out so dont know what to do


Erwin: but- *gets cut off*

*Eren Ymir Reiner Bertholt and Annie jump out the window and turn into titans*

Titan Shifters: ROOAAAARRRR

Levi: now you gotta fight him for saying all that he's my boyfriend after so he's gotta be protective might aswell have all the titan shifters he said

*Titan Eren get Erwin and throws him all the way to wall Sina in the king's castle*

*Titan shifters turn back to normal*

Eren: he will never touch my Levi~ senpai *grabs Levi and makes out with him*

Mikasa: okay then that happened

Annie: my mikasa~san *cuddles with mikasa*

*Reiner and bertholt make out and so do Christa and Ymir*

Mikasa: well since everyone is making out let's sign off here why dont we bye guys

Annie: B-bye

Reiner: cya

Bertholt: bye

Ymir: see you soon

Christa: bye bye guys

Eren: byee~


*Everyone goes back to making out and Mikasa and Annie cuddle*

Okay guys hope you liked this chapter I thought it would be funny to have the titan shifters go titan but yeah thats that

I'm sorry if anything is misspelled But please leave some feedback and comments and tell me what ships you want to see next time

Funny short story

So why writing this around the part with Levi and Eren being better at making out my big sister texted me saying there was music coming from our living room so me being worried I grabbed my BB gun and stood against my door I was scared and shaking a little and my sister let me into her room a little down the hall and we decided to check out the noise and turns out it was my baby brothers tablet an app was running and the music from it was playing so yeah we turned it off and both went back to our rooms and I went on the finish this story

~The end~

Okay now I think thats all I need to say another that any ships you want to see will be written tomorrow cause im tired and just wanna play Pokemon duel for a while cause I find it fun to play
Now that all hope you like the chapter see you guys soon stay awesome

~Alpha Out~

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