chapter 7 : Confused

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A/N : Sorry for late update beliebers :) Enjoy even if its just you know short update haha

Chapter 7 : Confused

Ashley's POV

He brought me here in a quiet place , we are the only people here in this place its so peaceful. I should stay here in some other time

" Why did you bring me here? " - i asked Justin

" Because i dont want to see Kate's face i hate her " - he said

" Oh " - that's the only word i responded 

" Ashley , will you give me a chance? " - he asked

" Huh? What chance? What do you mean? " - i asked him

" Naah nevermind " - Justin said and then he hugged me

Butterflies in my stomach. 

" Ashley , i'm sorry for everything. I am sorry because i bullied you for 5 years. Can you please forgive me? " - he said 

" Ah Justin , I i dont know what to say but i know that we're getting there. I want to give you a chance i mean i'll give you a second chance i want to be friends with you but you bullied me for 5 years and your sorry is not enough. I didnt tell my mom about everything bc i am defending you but im sorry justin " - i said while i am crying

" I understand you Ashley , if you cant forgive me its ok. I know its not easy " - he said as he hold me tight

" Ashley , i think I like you " 

6 words that hit me.

" Are you serious? " - i asked him

" Maybe " - he said

" But Justin you love Kate so you cant like me " - i said

" I dont love her anymore. I just realized it a while back when we run away from her " - is he freaking serious? Moving on on someone is not easy. He's a total jerk

" Oh really " - i said

" Let's go? " - he asked

" Where? " - i asked

" I'll bring you home. " - and then he kissed me on my forehead

i feel like my cheeks are so red right now

" Okay " - i said 


After a few minutes we're already here.

" Thanks for the ride drew " - i said

" No problem bye boo! " - he kissed me again 

after he kissed me on my cheeks i hugged him and didnt bother to say a word i just want to hug him. 

" Goodnight! " - yep its already evening so yes

I entered our house

" I saw that honey " - my mom said

" Mom " - i grumbled

" Just kidding. Go upstairs ok. Do you have homework? " - my mom asked me

"  I dont hve mom. Gotta go upstairs bye love you " - and then i kissed her

I dont know , maybe this is one of the best day ever but i just really dont know im kinda confused...


A/N : So the Bieber and the Beadles will go to the beach next chapter so yeah. lol :)

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