chapter 22 : His surprise

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Thank you so much for always reading and supporting this book! I really appreciate it (:

Here's a dedic for you.

                                                                                              Love lots ,

                                                                                                        ShainaJovell Bieber <3


Hi guys , this is just his preparation for Ashley's birthday ok. And please do wait for big revelations. OMG

Sorry for the long wait , i was so busy at school. And I am having a hard time at school bc of Math omg. Sorry!

Here you go


Chapter 22 : His Surprise

Justin's POV

Wow , I thought I would never have my point of view , haha. Anyway. Ashley's birthday is in 1 week. And I need to prepare for her special day. This is my first time to celebrate with someone i love.

So , I am setting a date at the park. I'll sing just for her. I will sing her favorite song As Long As You Love Me , Hold Tight and Overboard. I am so excited to surprise my girlfriend.

So , i call the flower shop to deliver flowers on 15th of August.

[ Hello , Welcome to Shaina's Flower Shop. How may I help you? ]

" Hi , I am Justin Bieber. Can you please make a boquet of flowers for my girlfriend this August 15. Please deliever this at the Central park at 4pm sharp. I'll be there at 2pm to fix everything. Understand? "

[ Okay , i'll just deliver it in Central Park at 4pm sharp , Mr. Bieber. ]

" Okay , thank you , Ms... "

[ Ms. Shaina. My pleasure. Bye ]

-call ended-

Boquet is ready , so i'll just call Chaz , Christian an Ryan to fix our date.

So , i called Ryan

[ Bro , this is Justin. Can you help me? ]

" Anything. What's that? "

[ Help me to fix our date please? ]

" When? "

[ On August 15th 2014 ]

" Okay bro , What time? "

[ 2pm sharp. Please call Chaz and Christian. Thanks bro ]

" Okay bye "

Everything's going to be alright. I am so excited to surprise her. And I'll buy a special gift for her.

I hope she'll get surprised ;)


A|N : As usual guys , just an short update but atleast I updated. Hehe.

Do you guys ship Jovanna? Comment below. Because if you ship them i'll love you forever!

But Jaitlin will always be my otp <3

next update : Sunday , I guess or Monday (:

Twitter : shunkybieber

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