chapter 38: Peaceful yet scared

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Ashley's POV

It's been a week since Kate died. I just cant believe it. I mean she's already dead? I feel so bad for her. I mean even though she's so mean to me and bad to me. I know that she's a good person.

" What are you thinking? " Justin asked me. We are here in the park sitting on his car.

" I'm just thinking about Kate , Justin. " I said

" Don't think about her. She's already dead. Let's just move on. " He said and hugged me

" And if you're still scared about on what happened. Always remember that I am here for you. " he said and kissed my forehead

" Thank you , babe. " I said


It feels so peaceful.

I'm here right now in my locker. I am getting my books.

It feels so peaceful.
less bullies , less dramas.

When I walked away in my locker I heard a footstep. My heart beats so freaking fast.

I looked back and saw no one

" Anybody there? " I shouted but it just echoed.

I'm scared. What if someone will revenge and catch us?

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