chapter 31 : Flirt

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Ashley's POV

I'm on my way to school when I bumped someone.

" Hey, " he said with a flirt voice
"Who are you? " I asked him
"I'm Dylan McBride , you must be Ashley McAllister. Right? " he said
" Yeah , how did you know my name? " I asked him
" I heard your name a lot. all of the girls at school talks about you and Justin Bieber " he said
" Oh " I simply replied

" Can we be friends? and hang out later? I bet you and Bieber broke up. so is it okay if we like date you know. Getting to know each other " he walks closer to me and held my waist

" We can hang out. but excuse me I'm not like those girls who hang out with guys I just met. " I said and left him there.

While I was walking , I saw him following me.

" Why the hell are you following me? " I asked him

" Nope , we go to the same school. " he smirked

Oh. That is so embarrassing wth.

" I like you , Ashley. " he said

" You can't like a girl you just met " I said. sassy Ashley 💁

Thank God it's lunch break.

While I was walking I saw Sarah , my bestfriend

" Hey missed you. " I hugged her
" I missed you too. let's hang out soon bestie? " she said
"Sure " I said as we exchanged our goodbyes

While I was eating my food. A guy sat beside me. what's his name again-oh it's Dylan.

" Can I sit with you? " he winked at me
" You can't sit with me " I said
" Aw " he said
" Okay fine " I said
" What do you like? " I asked him
"Your number , maybe " he said
" What if I don't like to give it to you? " I said
" Then , I would still get it. babe. " He said
" Can you just please stop calling me babe. I am not your babe. good bye! " I said

A/N : hmm what is Dylan's role in this story? What do you guys think? lol

This is such an lazy update lol

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