chapter 3 : He's bullying me

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chapter 3 : He's always bullying me

Ashley's POV

I just woke up. Wow! school again. It sucks like really. I'm so nervous because remember what Justin texted me?


from : unknown number

hey Ashley! be ready for tomorrow. Imma kick yo face - Justin

to : unknown number

but why? what did I do to you mr bieber? come on stop bullying me

from : unknown number

my mom thinks I like u. And she thinks we're dating. You need to pay for this. I have a girlfriend.

to : unknown number

wait huh. I don't honestly care If your mom thins we're dating. because the truth is we're not really dating. As long as youre happy with your girlfriend just go. Goodnight!

from : unknown number

whatever shawty! imma kick yo butt and face. Be ready for school tomorrow ha-ha-ha

after a few mins

from : unknown number

goodnight boo


" Honey are you ready for school? " - my mom asked me

" Yes mom going down in a bit " - I said

Oh yes im wearing my favorite sweater , leggings and docs. I'm so fab I know.

after breakfast....

" bye mom gotta go " - I kissed her

" bye sweetie " - she kissed me back

I started to walk. Its 6:45 am and yeah I think im to early haha. I entered starbucks first and then ordered my favorite java chip. Hell yeah!

It's 6:55 am. Ok need to walk faster because I need to get my 2 books on my locker.

I just entered my sch(hell)ool . Ugh! too nervous to see Justin.

" Hey Ashley! " - Justin shouted at me

" H-hey Justin " - trying to act like a cool girl but im nervous.

" About last night " - he said

" w-what about last night? " - I asked

He didn't answer me. He just punched and slapped me. Ouch.

" j-just s-stop *sobs* Justin. Stop bullying me. You bullied me for 5 years *sobs* just stop! I am tired. really tired so please "

- I said while crying

He looked shocked. " aw don't cry baby " - he said sarcastically

I-I thought after saying those words he will stop but instead he just laugh at me and then walked away with his friends.

I walked and then entered the bathroom. I fixed my self. I put conselear, a little bit of mascara and lipgloss. And then I get my books on the locker and entered my classroom. Its 7:20 in the morning. I'm late oh gosh. Ms Smith , our terror teacher will literally kill me. I entered my classroom. And all of my classmates are looking at me. Nothing's new.

" Why are you late ms. McAllister? " - ms Smith asked me with a high pitch voice

Justin looked at me with a death glare

" A-ah I hit my face on the wall that's why I need to fix myself. Sorry " - I lied. I'm too bad for lying. It sucks

" Oh take your seat " - she said

" okay thanks " - I said

" Aaaaaaaah! " - someone tripped my feet. And its Justin

" whats wrong? " - MS Smith asked

" nothing maam " - I said

" okay sit down " - Ms Smith

Break time...

" Heya leggo " - Sarah said

" okie " - I said

" You want um. Starbucks? " - she asked me

" um no thanks. Later ok just treat me " - I said while smiling at her

" haha okay " - Sarah

" what do you want to eat? " - she asked me

" sandwich and juice please. Thankyou bestfriend! " - I said

" okay sit there and youre welcome bestfriend " - she pointed our sit

" ok " - I said

after break time....

I'm going home. Im walking right now yeah

and then suddenly someone texted me

from : scary

meet me at Starbucks. 7pm - Justin Bieber

should I go? I think nothing will happen if I will go there later. Besides Justin is handsome too lol wot. And if I will not go there he will kill me. Literally kill me.

to : scary

okay. See you!

and then I walked home.


A/N : What will happen on Starbucks? Lets find out.

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