chapter 30 : I still love you ( stay up all night )

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Sorry guys if I have wrong grammars. Not really good at English lol

Ashley's POV

It's already 8pm and I'm still reading this awesome story on wattpad. The title is Owned by this Jerk , I really love the plot of the story. It really relates about my life so much lol

So while I was reading , i received a text message

fr : unknown number

I'll pick you up at 8:15pm. Just wanted to talk to you. This is Justin Bieber

to : unknown number

okay. i'll wait

i felt my heart beating so fast.

why is he going to talk to me?


My mom is not yet home , she's in Paris so it's okay if go out late night.


" coming! " - i shouted

I opened the door and saw Justin. He's so freaking hot with his outfit. It makes me want to shoot myself

" let's go? " - he said with a husky voice

" s-sure. " - i said

I hop in on his top down car.

" Where are we going? " - I asked him while he was driving

" McDonald's " - he simply said

" Oh " - i said

McDonald's. My favorite fast food chain.

We arrive at McDonald's at exactly 8:30pm. We ordered chicken nuggets and coke float.

" let's go " - he asked me

" Wait , are we not going to eat here or " - i said

" Come on ,just follow me. " - he said. I nodded

He drives so freaking fast.

[ Click As Long As You Love Me at the right side while reading ]

I just looked at him while he's driving.

His jawline , is perfectly made by God. 

His eyes are perfect

His hair is perfect

everything's perfect about him , the way he laughs , smile , smirk , dance , sing and the way he loves me. I am so thankful to have him. But yes , he's not mine anymore. So I will just secretly look at him, because we broke up. I can't hold his hand anymore , i can't kiss him anymore. I can't make him laugh anymore. And that makes me so sad.

after how many minutes. We arrived at this beautiful place. You can see Buildings , houses street lights and everything. We're so high , I feel like I am flying.

I don't exactly know where we are. But all I can say is that we are in a magical place.

It looks like a hill or something like that.

Justin sat on his car ( A/N : the front of the car. If you can imagine lol. ) while he was drinking his float. I also sat the top of his car.

It looks like we are on a date.

" So how you doin? " - he asked me

" Me? " - i pointed myself

" Yes , you " - he smirked. He's still a bad boy

" I- I am doing fine. How about you? " - I also asked him

" Me , i really miss someone right now. " - he said

" Who is she? " - I  asked

" The girl beside me " - he secretly smiled while looking at the stars

" Ash , what happened to us? " - he looked down

" I - i don't really know " -  I feel like anytime soon I will cry.

" I miss the old us " - he said

he smirked " it's funny when I cry because of you. "

" What? why? " - im confused

" Don't you get it? I miss you so damn much , Ashley " - he said and stared at me

" I miss you , your hair , your eyes , your eyebrows , your teeth , your nose , your face , your lips and especially I miss you " he stared at me

I started crying

" *sobs* Justin , I missed you too. Yes you hurted me ,my feelings. But I still love you. I do still love you. *sobs* What happened to us? Justin? Why did you do this to me? *sobs* " - i cried

" I'm sorry. I am sorry if I did this bullshit. I just need to save our relationship to that bitch. "

" I hurted you because I love you "  

" bitch? who? " - I asked him with confusion

" K-kate " - he said

" What?! what did she said? " - I screamed while crying

" Just dont mind it , babe. I won't tell you anyway. I dont want you to get hurt. I don't want you to suffer. " - he said

" No! please. Tell me! " - i cried and he hugged me so tight.

" Can we just please stay like this for 5 minutes. Please. " - he said

i nodded.

We stayed there for more than 5 minutes.

" Ashley , always remember this okay. I love you and I will always love you "

" I love you too , Justin "

He kissed me then hugged me so tight. It feels like I am safe everytime that I am with him

I don't know if we're officially back or something but all I know is that we love each other.


A/N : Fav chapter so far. Lol!

enjoy the update beliebers and jaitlinators :)

IG : sassyshaina ( former shainajovell05 )

twitter : shunkybieber


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