chapter 41: Hello Italy!

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Advance Happy New Year to all of you!! I love you guys so much. 2015 is Justin and Beliebers year. So leggo!! <3


Ashley's POV

We just arrived at the hotel. I am so tired. I am so sleepy and hungry. I put my things at the floor and jumped at the bed. Hahh, I wanna sleep for now and travel later.

The bed is only one , so Justin and I needs to share. Well , it's okay because we are couple. It doesn't matter.

So I decided to sleep. Because i am so freaking tired and exhausted.

Justin's POV

Ashley went first at the room before me, because I need to fix everything. I have to pay our bills and stuffs like that.

I saw her sleeping , she looks like an angel.

" Aw my baby girl is sleeping. " i get my phone and took a picture of her.

There's a free wifi here so I decided to post it on my instagran account

@justinbieber : my baby girl is tired

I put my backpack at the table and jumped beside Ashley

" Hmmm " she said

I hugged her so tight " Let's continue? "

Her eyes widened " What?! "

" Hahahaha , im just kidding. Let's go sleep first. " I said.

We took a nap for like 30 minutes.

Ashley's POV

" Let's just eat outside and just travel tomorrow. Is that okay with you? " he asked me

" Yeah , sure " i smiled

So we're just gonna walk and find a retaurant to eat at and gonna take some pictures. Then tomorrow where going to start going to different places here in Rome. I cannot wait!

After we fixed ourselves we decided to go outside and look for a restaurant.

The restaurants are just walking distance so it's alright if we just walk instead of riding on a taxi.

He held my hand and said , " where do you like to eat? "

I looked at him " Hmm , anywhere. "

He just smiled at me.


We are here on a fancy restaurant right now. All of the girls are looking at Justin. So im here like " HEY GUYS! HE'S MINE " but I dont want to say it because I dont want to cause trouble.

After we eat , we decided to just walk and take a picture.

" Let's take a picture here " he said

" One , two , three! " he kissed my lips.

" I love you so much " he said

" I love you too! " i replied back

Then he started to kiss me again. i heard his phone.

" Did you filmed it? " i asked him

He smirked " Yes , i will post it on my instagram. They will see us kissing in Italy. hahahahaha "

" Aw you jerk! " i pinched his cheeks

" I know you love me " he pinched my cheeks too.

" Yes i do " i smiled

Justin's POV

i opened my instagram and posted our photo

@justinbieber: traveling with my girl @ashleymcallister

then i also posted the video ,

@justinbieber kissing in rome with my baby girl @ashleymcallister

After a few seconds mang people liked it and commented on it

" Relationship goals! "

" Aw Ashley is so lucky to have Bieber in his life "

" You guys make the hottest couple "

" Awww i ship you so hard! "

Their comments make me smile. Some of them are my friends , and some of them are just a random people and some of them are my schoolmates.


A/N: hope you liked the update hahahahaha

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