chapter 39: i wanna travel with you

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[A/N: Hey guys! I am so so so sorry for updating so freaking late. I was so busy at school and then I also went to Thailand that's why. Anyway , here's the update. Enjoy loves xx]


Ashley's POV

Justin sent me home. He gave me water to make me feel better. I am still scared. I don't know what to do.

We are here in the living room watching American Horror Story. I'm sitting on his lap while his arms is wrapped around my waist.

He kissed my ears " Are you alright , baby? "

" Yes , i am alright. " i answered him back.

He tightened his hug " Wanna go out of the country? "

I looked back and smiled at him " Yes , of course. That would be totally great. "

" Aw great , so i'll book a flight in Rome,Italy? your dream place. " he said and smiled at me

I smiled at him " Really? oh my God. Yes! i am gonna tell mom that we're gonna travel. Yaaay. Thank you! "

" I will do everything for the best girlfriend in the world! I just want to travel the world with you " He said and kissed me passionately.

" Thank you so much , baby! " I said between our kisses.

" My pleasure , babe " he held my legs and kissed me.


It's Saturday morning. Finally!
It means its rest day because there is no assignment. Hell yes!

Mom is not always here so Justin is always sleeping here. Mom knows it so it's okay.

Mom is staying at Hawaii right now for her work. She is staying there for three months. I miss my mom so much.
I wanna see her so bad. I want to tell her that I got high grades. I want to make her proud.

" Babe , I already book a flight. " Justin said while he's infront of the door.

I get his bag and let him sit down at the couch " Really? that's great. When are we leaving? "

" Tomorrow. So pack your things. " He said and he kissed my cheeks.

I started packing my things so as Justin. I am so excited to travel Italy with my love. Cannot wait!


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