chapter 29 : butterflies everywhere

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Sorry for the long wait OBTJers , I was so busy at school lol. Math was never easy so yes. And guys , i really appreciated your two comments on the last update haha. You guys looks so cute lol.

So here's the update. Enjoy! xx


Ashley's POV

I'm on my way to school when someone texted me.

fr : unknown number

hi , just wanted to tell you that you are so beautiful. I love you so much. And I miss you so much. This is Justin Bieber. I know that you deleted my number :(

my heart beats so freaking fast. It feels like ugh. I instantly smile with that text , but I don't want to reply on his text message.

So i just continued walking.

When I reached my school , I saw kate infront of my locker.

" Hey Ashley McAllister! what's up. " she asked me

" I'm doing hella fine , how about you? " i answered in a sarcastic way

" Nahh , im doing good. You know i am still a bitch " she winked at me and left me

What's her problem?

So while I was putting my books on my locker , i heard a footstep (of course)

Justin pinned me up against the wall and kissed my neck.

" I still love you "

that words hit me. If he still loves me why did he hurted my feelings? I should know the the true story and fix our relationship.

" me too justin , but why did you hurt me? "

" i-it's because i love you so damn much and i-i have to let you go. "

" I don't want to hurt you , babe. It's just that i need to fuc**** do this. I need to do this , for you , for us. To save our relation ship. "

" I know you'll understand me someday. Don't forget this okay ,

                                                i love you , i still love you and i will always loveyou "

after he said those words he ran away.

i need to know the truth , everything.

oh. butterflies everywhere. damn


A/N : I didn't know that Francisco Lachowski has a wife. Okay i honestly want to cry , he's my crush ashdafhjkfhf. 

New Character

Francisco Lachowski as Dylan McBride

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