chapter 51: photoshoot and stuffs

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A/N: Again, I am so sorry for wrong grammars. I am not good at english

Look at the gallery, that is Ashley's gown for their photoshoot

Ashley's POV

Finally! I am already his fiancee. Since that day I can't believe that he's going to marry me.

We are here right now in my room watching tv.

"Babe, go fix yourself and we'll go to the gown shop and look for your gown. And i called my friend which is a photographer we're going to have pre-nuptial today." woah woah i'm so excited

"Woah, really? That was so fast justin. But yeah, okay i'll fix myself. You too babe" I smiled at him and get up

After we fix everything. We headed to the gown shop first.

"Good day Mr. Bieber" the girl said

"Hello, um. My fiancee and I will look for a gown and suit." he said

"Yeah okay sir and ma'am, this way please" she lead us to the beautiful wardrobe i don't know what they call it but it has a lot of gowns and suit. Of course

"Wow" i said

I walked and touched the gown "this is all beautiful" i smiled

Someone caught my eye, this beautiful gown. Its just simple yet beautiful.
"I want this for my wedding day"

"Okay, i'll buy that" he said and smiled at me

"Really? But this is too expensive?" I said

"You know i will do everything for you" he said and kissed me

"Ugh you're the sweetest. I love you" i said

"I love you too"

After we bought the gown and the suit we headed to the studio.


"Hey dude, sup?" The guy and justin shaked hands

"Im okay bro, by the way this is my fiancee, Ashley. Ashley this is Robert" Justin said and wrapped his arms around my waist

"Oh your fiancee is gorgeous huh. Nice one dude. Nice meeting you by the way" Robert smiled at me

"Yeah, but she's mine" Justin and Robert laughed

"Im just kidding man" Robert laughed

So after that, we headed to the studio and we wear our gown and suit. The make up artist started to put make up on my face of course.


After the photoshoot and pre-nuptial we headed home. We are so tired. We jumped at the bed

"Whooo i'm so tired babe" Justin said in a seductive voice

"Yeah me too, lets go sleep for a while" i hugged him

I called my Sarah my best friend.
[Ash! Long time no talk. I miss you bitch]
"I missed you too!!! Guess what"
"Im getting married!!!! And youre invited okay"
[Wait what?! With whom?]
"With Justin, duh!"
[Oh yeah yeah whatever. Okay i'll come. When is that?]
"On Saturday. See you there okay i'll text you the address"
-call ended-

Justin also called his friends, we also called are relatives. We only got a few friends so yeah.

I'm so excited for the big day!!!!


1 more chapter to go and epilogue. Omg :-((((

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