chapter 12 : Beach part 3

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A/N : enjoy loves ;)

Chapter 12 : Beach part three


Ashley's POV

After we eat , we go to the beach. I mean you know in the water and we swim there. Justin is wearing a plain white v-neck shirt and now he's shirtless. and all of the girls are looking at him. As if this was there first time seeing a hot boy in the beach.

Justin's hair is wet , and I find in sexy tbh. I mean he looks so perfect. I can't

" Where you looking at? " Justin smirked

" Huh? " I asked

" Nah never mind. let's go swim? " he said

" Okay. " I go to the water and started to wet myself. I started walking and then the huge wave approached me. I'm drowning

" Heeeelp! "

" Help me! I'm drowning "

" H-hehehe-lp me "

After that all I see is black.

He did this CPR thingy.

He kissed me. yeah he kissed me. I know it's for me so that I could breathe. but i can jut feel his lips on my lips

" Ahem ahem " I throw the water in the sand

" Thank God you woke up! " he hugged me

" Thankyou for saving my life justin " I said

" No problem Ashley " he said

" Let's go to the room " he said

" O-okay " I said. He's blushing. OMG

We are already here in the room

" Take a rest Ashley " he said

" Okay thanks " I said

So i just sleep because I am so tired


" Honey! " mom said

" Honey thank God you woke up! are you okay? I'm so sorry " my mom said while crying

"I'm okay mom. Thanks I love you " I said

" I love you too honey. okay take a rest " mom said

" Ashley , I bought you food " Pattie said

" Thankyou Pattie " I said

" No worries hun " she said

I ate all of these freaaking yummy food it's so yummy and I'm so hungry I can't help it.

" Okay we will leave you with Justin okay? you guys talk " mom said

" Ashley are you sure your okay? " justin said as mom and Pattie leave the room

" Yeah I'm alright. thankyou so much for saving my life. " I said

" Wanna eat? " I asked him

" No thankyou. Just take a rest okay. after you rest let's go walk okay? at 7pm okay " he said

" Y-yeah sure. I'll just take a rest and let's walk together " I said

He also took a rest I think he's tired.

But he didnt sleep on his bed. he sleep on my bed. but it's okay. Because he just hugged me and I can't remove his hands so yeah.


A/N : sorry for short update again. I think part four will be the last beach part okay? and after that they will go on a date lol yes

Twitter : shunkybieber

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