chapter 11 : Beach part 2

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A/N : Wow I've been updating this story fast lol. I hope you guys like my update lol. I know it's kinda corny but naah lol. And for those beliebers who always comment here thankyou guys. You're always inspiring me to write. And thankyou guys for voting thankyou! :*


Chapter 11 : Beach part two

Ashley's POV

Justin exited the bathroom. I don't know but I feel like my cheeks are still red because of what happened. I mean I saw his friggiiin eight packs. And his hot body and everything. His jawline makes me wanna rape him. Lol just kidding.

" Justin , let's go downstairs? U-um lets find mom and Pattie " I said

" Okay wait. I'll just get my phone. " he said

" Okay " I said

After a few minutes he's here infront of me.

" Let's go? " He said

" Yeah " I said

We walk downstairs. And down this hotel there has a swimming pool. And if you walk outside you can see the beach. It looks like Boracay ( if you guys know Boracay , Philippines ) This place is so beautiful. I can only say three words ' wow ' ' Amazing ' ' Beautiful '.

While we're walking along the beach , girls are looking at Justin. Some of them ask justin if they can have a picture and justin said yes of course. Because he's a total play boy. And all of the girls are giggling. Like seriously?

And Justin winked at them. Like seriously justin?

" Justin let's go. " I said

" Sorry girls , me and my girlfriend will have to go " justin exclaimed

All of the girls who took picture with Justin looked so disappointed. Hahaha justin got ya!

Instead of getting mad at Justin by saying that I'm his girlfriend I kinda feel hot. I mean my cheeks are so red and my body feels hot. I don't know.

While we're walking some boy go infront of me.

" Hey miss can I get your number? " he winked at me

" My girlfriend says no. so go away! " justin said

And the boy runaway because Justin looks so scary but he looks so friggin sexy.

" Let's eat ash? " he asked

" Y-yeah. I'm hungry " I said

We walk and walk and we saw this restobar so we go there and we sit and we take our order.

While eating he asked me " Can we go date? " I almost cry when he said that. I think I'm gonna throw up because of what he said.

" What? " I ask

" I-if it's okay with you , can I ask

you out? " he said

" Um lemme think about it. " I mean I should think about it first maybe he's just playing on me. you know. And he's asking me for a date. So it means we're going to be a couple or something like that.

" But ash don't worry. it's just a date. I will just ask you to be my girlfriend if I'm really sure about my feelings. so can we go out when we come home in Canada? " he asked me

Oh so now I understand.

" Y-yeah sure. But it's just a friendly date okay? " I said

" Okay " he said while smiling.

Oh God his smile is perfect. I mean his smile is life. when he smiles I smile. Everything's perfect about him. He looks like an angel in disguise. Ugh God thankyou for making this good looking boy. I hope he has a good heart too. I wish that he's not a jerk or something. So that I could totally fall in love with him.

I'll admit it guys , when he started acting nice to me I had a little crush on him. Lol just keep quiet okay.


A/N : it has part three okay. So enjoy this update.

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