chapter 21 : Can I Come over?

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I''ll try to update 2 chapters but here's the first one. Enjoy!


Ashley's POV

My mom got home yesterday and Justin went home yesterday too. And my mom already knew about our relationship and she told me that it's okay with her , and she also said " I ship Jashley! " my mom is so cool , i know right.

I'm here on my room chillin' it's already summer so yeah. While I was making stories in wattpad my phone vibrated

[ Hello babe ]

Hi Justin

[ I miss you so much! ]

I miss you too!

[ How are you? ]

I'm doing good? How about you?

[ I'm also doing good. Can I come over to your house or ]

Yes , of course. You're my boyfriend now. So you can come anytime you want. Btw babe , what time?

[ Before lunch. I love you. Bye! ]

 Ok. I love you more. Bye!

-call ended-

After that call i just continue typing my stories.

" Honey , lunch is ready and your boyfriend is here! " - mom shouted

" Ok mom , i'm coming " - i shouted back

I brushed my hair and went downstairs

" Hi mom , hi Justin " - i said

" Hello , lets eat? " - mom said

Justin and I nodded

After eating i washed the dishes

" Sweetie , I'll be going in our company ok. I have to fix something, Be good ok , Justin and Ashley uh hmm " mom smirked

" Yes mom , we do promise " - I laughed

 " Bye honey , love you. Bye Justin " - mom said

" Bye mom , take care! love you too " - i said

He wrapped his arms around my waist

" What do you want to do? " - i asked him

" Lets cuddle and watch movie? " - he said

" Okay " - i said

We went to the living room he set the tv and i choose my favorite movie its " Death Bell 2" its really a good korean movie , you guys should watch it

" You like korean movies? "- he asked me

" Yes " - i said

* Movie starts to play *

" Want a hug? You look scared " - he said because i was so scared to death

" Yes please " - i said and he wrapped his arms around my waist and he rested his chin in my shoulders.

I feel like I am freaking safe everytime he's around me. I love him so much , No one can break us. I will fight for him.


A/N : I'll try to update later my loves! <3 :*


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