Chapter 6 The sea witch

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In a cave 100 miles from the palace wall rest the sea witch Minvera and her two sharks Rufus and Orga. Minvera wasn't always evil she suffered after her father abused her not only did he kill her mother in front of her eyes claiming her to be weak and disposable but threatened to do the same to her. After many years her heart turned black and she felt nothing but rage towards everyone vowing to get revenge for taking her innocence away she wanted to destroy the heart of the ocean Y/N knowing how much everyone loved her taking her away would mean the ocean grieving over her in that time minvera  would kill acgnologia and rule in his place creating a place of suffering to all those that lived there. watching Y/N through the lacrima  " the little brat will be mine soon very soon then daddy will be all lost and this own will be mine Rufus orga keep on eye on her a very close eye.

Mean while at the palace : acgnologia goes to apologise to Y/N. "Y/N please open the door" says acgnologia  Y/N opens the door "young lady what am I going to do with you?"says acgnologia  "daddy I'm so sorry it's just ...." "Y/N as a result of your careless..." cancer cuts acnologia off "Careless and reckless behaviour the piano piece I wanted you to play for your father is now ruined I'll be the laughing stock of the whole kingdom."
Aquarius then over hear the whole conversation and decides to cut in and try and protect her friend " old man you should be grateful me and your daughter are alive a shark was chasing us and nearly killed me, and then and then we went to see Libra ... oops I've said too much" acgnologia then turned to Y/N more furious then ever he always warned her to never approach the surface and especially near land where the humans could come and take his baby away. "Y/N I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WENT TO THE SURFACE AGAIN I WARNED YOU TO NEVER GO THERE WHAT IF THE HUMANS SAW YOU AND TOOK YOU AWAY WHAT WOULD YOU DO." I'm sure acgnologia rage had reached new heights in that second his daughter became emotionless she saw the upset in her father's eyes and slammed the door tears freely fell down her face. She could hear her father shouting about the humans been in his eyes barbarians.  Y/N knew in her heart her dad only wanted the best for her but she disagreed with her father on his thoughts about the humans, if only her mother was here she would know what to do and what to say. She knew the old man was right about probably been eaten by the humans as she had her from a few fish that escaped fish was a delicious meal to them to her it was a form of canablisim.

I don't own fairy tail or the little mermaid.
Thank you for reading.

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