Chapter 7 you give them an inch

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Cancer continuing to rant to acnologia " she maybe your daughter however you give her an inch and she'll walk all over you hm teenagers think they know everything these days" said cancer acnologia clearly blocking him out making it seem as if he was listening. " cancer if you think she is been that reckless and needs supervision why don't you be the one to supervise her you are the perfect candidate if I do say so myself." Cancers face dropped wondering if he was serious Cancer loved Y/N like a daughter however she did annoy him by not been responsible for her actions sometimes. As Cancer was leaving the throne room acnologia heard him muttering things " How do I get myself in situations like this ..... I should be her baby sitter.... what does she even find so interesting that she skips out on most of her class's."  As Aquarius shows up and they proceed to make their way to a secret cave which has the code work lamia scale.  They swim under what can only be consider a small boulder. As Cancer stumbles on all the items of human things music boxes playing beautiful music , candles , clocks, paintings and many more the girls then placed the candelabra and pocket watch on the small rock shelf which was two stores up.

Cancer then reveals himself with a shocked and angry expression. " Aquarius Y/N what is this place what is the meaning of this you know your father would destroy this place if he ever found it I should tell him and then maybe he would knock the bubbles into you." Y/N and Aquarius face streamed with tears and pleaded cancer not to tell acgnologia finally realising that he knew it was a phase dismissed it and let the girls keep their secret. Cancer ready to lead the girls home until Aquarius and Y/N notice a ship with the name fairy tail on it the girls then look amazed and follow the boat fire works in the sky to celebrate the men on the ships latest successful mission.

I don't own fairy tail or the little mermaid I also don't own disney video or any media I have put in remember this is my twist on the little mermaid.

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