Chapter 8 isn't he handsome

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Adding a photo from laxus teen years seemed like the way to go.

Cancer chasing after the girls to make sure they where both safe otherwise he was going to be nothing but a shell by the time acnologia was through with him. "Y/N stay hidden do you want all the three of us to get killed if you want to watch so badly do it from under the water where they can't see you." Laxus stood their on the deck of the fairy tail ship with his signature fur coat on and all his muscles showing, you could see a little drool coming from the side of Y/N mouth and trying to hide her blush because she knew exactly, what Aquarius would say if she looked at her right now and if she wasn't looking at the fireworks. Watching the waves crash against the ship then summoned his loyal dog Achilles to his side " come on boy come your master" Laxus would never admit it but at home the dog was like a son I suppose all pets are a part of the family. Achilles proceeded to lick laxus fave while attempting to tackle him to the ground. Libra spotting Y/N and Aquarius  with the look of wonder on their faces thought to herself they must be enjoying the show. Y/N proceeded to get a closer look at Laxus "I've never seen a human this close up before wow I wonder if there all as handsome as the blonde guy over there if so I want a pair of those things that they have instead of a fin what are they called again oh yeah "Legs".  Whilst on the ship Freed staring  at 'his beloved Laxus-sama'  Freed then began shouting "order order" " I'd like a plate of lamb casrole oh I'll have the prawns and chilli sauce" shouted natsu and grey. As nobody proceed to listen to Freed Laxus noticed his friends distress "Hey listen up freed as to say something you brats so pay attention."

They're will be updates late on today however it's 1.05am in the morning so I've best rest. Thank you for all your support so far and for reading remember I do not own the images , fairytail or the little mermaid.

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