Chapter 20 The stolen voice

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Laxus is sat in the beach considering his proposal and if he wants to wait until he has established his feeling for  Y/N he decides to consult in his most loyal companion Freed. Freed trying to offer his friend and leader some advice
"Laxus if I may say so Y/N is far better than any dream girl, she is one of flesh and blood, one warm and caring, and right before your eyes. Don't you want to settle down I think it's time you stopped searching for someone who doesn't exist."

Laxus is sat stairing at Y/N sees and sighs, he clearly confused and conflicted within his own heart.  All of a sudden He is distracted by Minvera singing a sweet melody with Y/N voice he then becomes bewitched and is placed under her spell thinking that Minvera is the mystery woman. Laxus finally seeing the mystery woman "who are you? I have looked every where for you?" Said Laxus looking at minvera in an transformation spell of Y/N " I've heard you been searching for me so I decided I come to you" she smiled sweetly at him.

 Laxus finally seeing the mystery woman "who are you? I have looked every where for you?" Said Laxus looking at minvera in an transformation spell of Y/N " I've heard you been searching for me so I decided I come to you" she smiled sweetly at him

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Beginning of the third day and it's  Y/N last chance to impress Laxus.
Libra breaks down Y/N door and starts ro scream "Wake up! I just heard the news. Congratulations, kiddo, we did it!" All of those in the room looking very confused Cancer is the first to inject "What is this idiot babbling about what is the good news Libra?"
"Right  Cancer of course you didn't know, uh? The whole of fiore is raving  about the Laxus  getting himself hitched this afternoon! You know, he's getting married!  I just wanted to wish you luck. I'll catch you later, I wouldn't miss it for all of earthland"

Whilst in the throne room Freeds stood in shock with the mystery woman dangling of Laxus arms Freed stuttering imagining this was all a bad dream and thinks the timing couldn't have been worse wishing it was Y/N he was now demanding to marry "it appears that I was mistaken laxus sama. This mystery maiden of yours does  in fact exist congratulations, my Laxus sama ." Protraying a hint of disappointment clearly seeing this woman as a gold digger and a threat to the palace however he couldn't bear to go against his friends love life. Laxus in despite to marry "Freed we wish to be married as soon as possible. I can't bare life without her any more" minvera begins to smirk as she knows he has won and Y/N will soon be hers.
Whilst the men continue to chat Freed contemplates how quick it would be to arrange a wedding "Oh, yes - of course Laxus sama, However do remember sir that these things do take time, you know." "Freed i want us married this afternoon,The wedding ship should depart at sunset." "Very well, Laxus sama - as you wish". I'm be known Y/N was stood outside the door way listening to the conversation tears freely fall from her face as she realises she has lost.

3pm on the third day and people are boarding the ship to witness prince Laxus and minvera wedding. Libra goes past a room and sees minvera singing however the reflection in the mirror shows a different person from the outside shown. Whilst the outside looks like what could be described as a mirror copy of Y/N the mirror shows minvera as she truly is.

 Whilst the outside looks like what could be described as a mirror copy of Y/N the mirror shows minvera as she truly is

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Libra see that minvera must have bewitched the prince she does to alert Cancer, Aquarius and Y/N.

" Y/N listen carefully to me its The sea witch!" Im between breaths trying to explain what she saw. "I was flying, .... and I saw  the witch was watching a mirror, and she was singing a sweet melody with that voice of yours Y/N Do you hear what I'm telling you? That prince Laxus is marrying the sea witch in disguise."

Remember I don't own fairy tail or the little mermaid. 😀😁 also I'd like to thank everyone for their votes and reads.

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