Chapter 19 A worried father

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Back at the palace Laxus is trying to clear his head figure out his feeling for Y/N and solve the mystery if he thinks she is and how to solve the problem. He decided it would be a good idea to take a walk along the beach with Achilles. Laxus notice Y/N with her feet in water with a lost look in her eyes showing sadness and a piece of her missing. Back down in the depths of the ocean acnologia is ripping out his hair searching for his daughter and Cancer, Sagittarius then approaching acnologia " Have you seen any sign my daughter and Cancer" you could tell the worry in his voice as he spoke about his daughter "No your majesty" becoming impatient acgnologia then summoning everyone he demanded they search every  where " everyone listen to me closely you shall search every grain of sand every shell, every coral searched and don't even bother resting until she is found and brought home". Everyone bowed and left the throne room whilst acnologia swallowed in self pity as he kept blaming himself for his  daughters disappearance.

Back on land Aquarius, Libra and cancer are having an in-depth discussion on how to get the boy to kiss Y/N. Coming up with plan after plan then finding it to be unreasonable, Libra even suggested tying him to a chair and kissing him forcefully however the plan was ruled out as they knew he was staring enough to break through the ropes. Finally Cancer decided that the date they had planned would be a great opportunity to get them to kiss maybe 2 or 3 times with any luck. However they needed luck on their side. " Cancer how long do we have left before her time is up as a human  tonight and when the sun sets tomorrow that doesn't give us a great deal of time." Cancer and Libra deciding to try and bring as many opportunities for a kiss as possible stalked Y/N and Laxus into the town, Y/N wearing a stunning red dress with red flats to accommodate It Laxus stared in awh at the beautiful woman who he would be accompanying into town. Lustful  stairs from men and jealous looks from all the woman all wished to be her or to have her however she only held eyes for Laxus.

Cancer having enough of the slow progression between Y/N and Laxus decided to take action

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Cancer having enough of the slow progression between Y/N and Laxus decided to take action. "I'm surrounded by amateurs! In the subject if romance you know what they say you want something done, you've got to do it yourself." As
Y/N and Laxus climbed into the row boat. Cancer decides to put his plan into motion.

Whilst half way through the journey as Laxus was about to kiss Y/N  two sharks surrounded the boat rocking it side to side this caused Y/N and Laxus to go over board now in wet clothing Laxus wraps his fur coat around Y/N to try and prevent her from becoming sick and blushes whilst passing it to her. Minvera sat in her cave watching the two potential lovers "Nice work Orga and Rufus you have done momma proud boys. That was a close one. Too close for comfort i cant believe the nerve of that little brat! Oh, she's better than I thought but I can do better just watch."

Minvera then decided take matters into her own hands Acnologia  daughter will be hers  and after she will make acnologia pay. Deciding to pick a potion off of her shelf that made her look like Y/N with a few small differences but most of all minvera had Y/N voice which would make her think she was the woman that saved Laxus.

I don't own the little mermaid or the media shown. Thank you for reading and voting 😁

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