Chapter 12 so she's in love

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Acnologia was pacing around the throne room wondering who was this mystery man who had captured his beloved daughters heart.

Back with Cancer, Y/N and Aquarius  "Y/N can you please stop thinking of that barbarian he isn't worth your time your talking like a crazy sea hag... Earth to Y/N.... EARTH TO Y/N. " "Did you say something Cancer I was just dreaming of the man or as you said barbarian I wish I could know his name." Said Y/N " Y/N get your head out of the clouds and back in the ocean where it belongs" said cancer "Cancer I have got to see him again just once at least please please please..." Y/N said whining like a small child that wasn't getting their way. "Y/N remember down here is your home, listen to me you don't belong with the humans it's a mess up there. Life is better than anything that could be up there."

After cancer preaching the Y/N and Aquarius about how good life is down in the ocean. He discovers that the have left and there isn't a bubbles trace of where they could have gone.  Cancer was soon created by his old friend Capricorn " Cancer Cancer I've been searching the whole ocean for you king acnologia to speak with you he says it's with the up most importance."  Cancer then began to shake in fear that his Majesty knows about his daughter secret hide out.

Cancer arrives at the throne room to see acnologia patiently waiting for him. "Your majesty you wished to see me." Cancer said with a hint of fear in his voice. "Cancer I know your keeping something from me about my beloved Y/N been in love". "I tried to stop her your majesty I really tired but she wouldn't listen to me I told her to stay clear from those barbaric humans...." acnologia face turns to a dark expression "Cancer what the he'll did you say about humans? " "humans what humans your majesty who said anything about humans not me certainly not me".

" acnologia face turns to a dark expression "Cancer what the he'll did you say about humans? " "humans what humans your majesty who said anything about humans not me certainly not me"

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