Chapter 9 Laxus is missing😢

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On the fairy tail boat Freed was making a big announcement " it is my honour to present to our beloved Laxus sama prince of fiores and the lighting god a birthday present a very expensive birthday present a statue in his honour though I hoped it would have been a wedding present but never mind." Laxus face screwed up at the thought of marriage he had met many women through the years and non of them where right always finding fault after fault. Achilles was clearly not happy at the gift to be honest he didn't ever want a statue from anyone it isn't like he was a god that needed to be worshiped however I'm sure Freed felt otherwise. "Gee Freed it's really something you really shouldn't have."
" Laxus sama the whole kingdom wants to see you settled down you have rejected princess lucy, princess mirajane and her sister Lisanna ,princess Cana, Princess Levy , princess Erza and many more beautiful women what more do you want they was nothing wrong with anyone of them however you dismissed them." Laxus knew this but he didn't feel any spark with anyone of them yes sure they where beautiful but if you get rid of looks then you have nothing. They all had good manners and would make a good queen but not of this country and certainly not with Laxus. "Freed believe me, when I find her I'll know and it will hit me like lightning. And I'll make sure she never leaves me even if she hates me I'll show her why she should love me." Says Laxus 10 minutes later the waves get larger and larger "A hurricane is coming get ready now now now." Shouts Natsu. All of a sudden lightening hits the ship causing a large fire all the saliors are soon throne over board trying to reach the life boat. Laxus refusing to leave Achilles goes back through the fire making him jump into his arms. Achilles then paddles to the boat however Laxus is swept away with the current. Y/N noticed Laxus slowly drowning within the harsh waters of the ocean and deciding to risk her existence been exposed pulls him up from the water and onto the beach. "Aqua he's breathing atleast that puts my mind at ease my hard work would be a waste if not he's so handsome I bet they are all over him up " Y/N trying to hide her concern and jealousy her friend notices this but says nothing deciding it's best not to say anything.

As Laxus sees Y/N face as she decided to leave making it seem as if he was still dreaming. Soon after laxus comes round he is discovered by Evergreen, Bickslow and Freed all with tears in their eyes he then pulls them into a hug showing them he is lucky to be alive." Freed I've found the woman I'm going to marry, she had the most beautiful voice she rescued me just wait till I find her." Freed's face dropped "Laxus sama i think you have had a bit to much sea water if I may say so you must have imagined her" Y/N was still hide behind the rock with Aquarius and cancer all three in a state of shock with what they just heard especially Y/N.

Remember I don't own fairy tail the little mermaid or the media shown. Thank you for reading.

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