Chapter 23 A fairy tail ending

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Laxus still passed out on the beach as his family and friends came to check if he was still alive. Thankfully he was still breathing, Y/N watching the interaction with his loved one's give her conflicted feelings whether she should return home or stay. Acnologia noticing this turning to his most trusted adviser Cancer "She really does love him, doesn't she?" Acnologia knowing the day he would have to let go of his daughter would come so soon he felt had no choice but to let her be with Laxus. Cancer giving acnologia a good piece of advice "well, it's like I always say, Your Majesty. Children got to be free to lead their own lives. Me and aquarius will keep an eye on her. However Y/N wasn't the only one who wished to be human juvia turning towards her father admitted she was deeply in love with Grey fullbuster and wanted to further there relationship and she could not do that whilst living in the sea. Understanding he would lose two daughters came up with a compromise. "Girls I will allow you to become human however once a month you must come to the ocean where you will turn a mermaid for a day and come and visit your old man. If you don't agree you aren't becoming human." Both girls nodding their heads and burst into tears of joy knowing they would keep both parts of them.

"Then I guess there's just one problem left. How much I'm going to miss her." Acnologia has tears rolling down his face as he says goodbye to two of the most wonderful gifts he ever had. Y/N and juvia come out of the sea wearing a beautiful blue dress laxus finally waking up and grey running to juvia.
After the events that took place that day Laxus decided he could no long live without the love of his life got down on one knee and proposed. He wanted the wedding to be as quick as possible because Laxus dreyar did not wait around.

 He wanted the wedding to be as quick as possible because Laxus dreyar did not wait around

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*reader san is wearing this wedding dress*

*reader san is wearing this wedding dress*

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Cut to the wedding;Dearly beloved we are gathered here today in the eyes of god to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony  if anyone can think of a reason this man and woman should no be Wed speak now or forever hold your peace

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Cut to the wedding;
Dearly beloved we are gathered here today in the eyes of god to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony  if anyone can think of a reason this man and woman should no be Wed speak now or forever hold your peace. *complete slience*. Onto the vows
Laxus Repeat after me
‘I, Laxus Makarov Dreyar , take you, Y/N
to be my lawfully wedded wife,
to have and to hold
from this day forward;
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish,
till death us do part,
according to God’s holy law.
In the presence of God I make this vow.’

‘I, Y/F/N , take you Laxus Makarov Dreyar
to be my lawfully wedded husband,
to have and to hold
from this day forward;
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish,
till death us do part,
according to God’s holy law.
In the presence of God I make this vow.’

After 3 months Y/n and Laxus wedding Juvia of eventually wearing grey down to the point of insanity, got him to propose let's say she didn't give him much of a choice

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After 3 months Y/n and Laxus wedding Juvia of eventually wearing grey down to the point of insanity, got him to propose let's say she didn't give him much of a choice. 6 months into the marriage between Laxus and Y/N she fell pregnant and ended up giving birth to twins, she and juvia always kept their promise to return home once a month, and acnologia made it so that his son in laws and grand children could also visit and that is the end of this fairy tail.

 6 months into the marriage between Laxus and Y/N she fell pregnant and ended up giving birth to twins, she and juvia always kept their promise to return home once a month, and acnologia made it so that his son in laws and grand children could als...

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The wedding cake.
I don't own fairy tail or the little mermaid or the media shown. Thanks for reading and voting for my story. I might do q sting x reader sleeping beauty, rogue x reader princess and the frog or another Laxus x reader story. 😁😀

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