chapter 10 search for the mystery woman

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Whilst traveling back to the palace, cancer looked at Y/N and if looks could kill she would be dead by now. "Y/N just forget this whole thing happened I won't tell the old man it will be our little secret if your father even heard rumour about this and my evolvement I would just be a shell and I am too young to die." As the three were swimming back home little did they know 2 pairs of eyes where watching there every move. Cancer having visions of acnologia ripping him to pieces, Aquarius day dreaming about Scorpio and the many dates they would go on and Y/N winding her up talking about the babies that they would have and their wedding. Aquarius face turned the deepest shade of red "Aqua do you know when you get married can I be your bridesmaid or maid of honour pretty please I have got a speech and everything already planned I also claim right as god mother to your many children.

Unaware watching in the background where no other than Rufus and orga feeding back all they had seen to minvera. Deep in a cave away from the palace " oh no this is just too easy the little princess is in love with a human and not just any human but the prince of fiore. Daddy will love that in love with a human ha the Dragon king stubborn brat is a lovesick brat she make a fine piece to my collection."

Whilst on land Laxus going around the palace talking about his future bride. All the women crying knowing they didn't stand a chance against this mystery woman, Laxus even hired the sketch artist reedus to draw a picture of the mystery woman. " mystery woman I will find you marry you and we will have our happily ever after..." The whole place thought Laxus had lost his marbles but in truth he was just love sick very love sick.

I don't own fairy tail or the little mermaid or the media shown.

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