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Right after school was over, Chizuru found herself hesitating during the entire volleyball practice to whether speak to Miu or not because of what happened yesterday, especially because of her sudden leave with the excuse of forgetting to make dinner for Kae. As she blocked another ball coming from the other side, Yoshi's voice suddenly called out to her and Chizuru looked over to where the female was.

The young manager was waving her hand and then making a sign for Chizuru to go over there, the ace excused herself from the court and went to see what her manager wanted. The brown haired girl had a confused look on her features as she kept glancing at the door that led outside from time to time, she cleared her throat and looked up at the dark haired female before her.

"T-There's a boy calling out to you outside, he says he has something to give you." Chizuru furrows her brow and crosses her arms.

"He isn't from our school, is he?" Yoshi shook her head and tapped her chin while glancing to the side, after a few moments of thinking, the manager looked up at Chizuru again.

"His name is Hara Kazuya... does it ring a bell?"

The ace shook her head and sighed, her hands dropping to the side as she grabbed her towel from the manager and headed towards the outside of the court. As soon as she got out of the volleyball court area, she shivered from the cold and wrapped her arms around herself.

She looked around quickly and soon enough saw a slightly familiar mop of lavender hair that stood beside the school walls, she narrowed her eyes at him and walked towards the male slowly. He soon enough looked up and grinned at Chizuru, waving his hand and making her scowl. How did he know where to find her?

"... Can I assume you're the one who has to give me something?" She asks in a blunt tone, the male nods his head and soon pulls out from his back pocket a small ID. Chizuru stared at it in confusion but her eyes soon widen when realising that it was her student ID. "H-How did you— "

"—You ran so suddenly out of the place that your ID fell out of your bag and you didn't notice." He explains and the dark-haired female looks down, it would make sense. But now she was embarrassed for herself for letting such a thing be in the hands of a complete stranger.

"No need to glare at the floor so hard." She hears him say and she looks up at the male and sighs before reaching her hand out for her student ID.

"Thank you for— "Before she could even brush her fingers against the ID, it was placed further away from her. Her eyes widening in surprise of the sudden action, Chizuru glares at the male before her and soon placing her hands down on her sides while clenching her fists closed.

Something was up and she didn't even like what it was.

Both Hara and Chizuru stood there, in silence. The male decided to place the ID back down to his side but still keeping a tight grip on it while Chizuru just stared up at him, he grinned down at her and hummed.

"How about we make a deal?" He started and Chizuru arched one of her eyebrows at him, defiantly. Since she was silent, he decided to continue. "If I give you back your ID..."

"How about we become friends?" The words left Hara's lips like water flowing in a river and Chizuru's eyes widen in an instant. Friends... with someone she barely knew, someone who had just found her ID and wanting to give it back, in return of it, both would become friends.

What a joke.

"Why?" She asked, purposely being blunt to the male. Her arms crossed and a scowl restraining itself from not appearing on her features. "I don't see to why I should become friends with you, you just came to give me my ID back, so give it." Her hand was extended towards her identity but it was once more taken away from her.

Her jaw clenched and a glare directed at the boy in front of her, to which he just grinned down to.

"We're strangers, I know, but I am sure that we can become friends if we put effort into it." Chizuru tried to reach for his hand that was raised in the air again with her ID, Hara had placed his free hand on her shoulder to keep her in place but she slapped it away. "Oh, feisty, I like it."

"My ass, give me my ID." She demanded and he shook his head.

"If only, give me your friendship in return." Chizuru grits her teeth and was about to shout something back at him but his hand stops her from doing so.

"Oh my, isn't that the guy that you like?" He says and her forest green irises dilate, she turns around to see Kuroo walking out of the volleyball court area while talking to Kenma. Chizuru had her heart racing miles at the sight of him and so immediately looks away. "Hey! This girl o— "

"Shh!!" Her hand covers his mouth and she pulls him behind the wall outside of school grounds. She waited for a few minutes before retrieving her hand back and peaking to see if the captain and setter of the male team were gone from sight. After making sure they were, a sigh of relief went past her lips and an annoyed look came to her features while her cheeks were still coloured a bright scarlet. "You..."

She slaps him on the side of the head out of anger and starts to pour her emotions out. "Do you have any idea of what that might've led to?! Are you a fucking retard and forgot what I told you yesterday?!" She shouts to his face, even if she couldn't see his eyes, she knew that he was surprised by how she suddenly lost her cool like that. She was embarrassed, she was furious, she was tired.

She crouched down to the ground and hugged her knees. "... He would probably never act the same if he knew my feelings for him..." She whispered to herself with a sigh, a gasp was emitted from Hara followed by a hum and clap of hand.

"Now I know what to do." He says and she looks up at him confused, only to see his hand reached out to her.

"I'll give you back your ID and in return, you give me your friendship..." He suddenly lifts his finger in front of her face and the grin he wore widens as he chuckles mischievously. "Don't do that and I shall tell that guy your feelings for him."

"Fuck." The word came as soon as Hara had finished speaking and she scowled at him while gritting her teeth. "You're really the asshole type, huh?" Chizuru was cornered, she didn't know what to do and couldn't think of anything else other than accept his offer. She was frustrated.

It took her a few minutes to nod her head, accepting his offer. To think she would be this weak; she was disappointed in herself to let something like this happen easily, if she had contained her emotions properly before, if she endured the sight of Kuroo and Miu together, if she didn't run away like that then all of this—

"Alright! Then let's exchange numbers, Chizuru-san! Or do you prefer Kazetani-san?"

Chizuru just stood there, face as stoic as usually was. If all of the things she had done yesterday didn't happen, she wouldn't have encountered the guy in front of her and wouldn't even be involved with him. But some things never go right in life, do they?

** ** ** **

hope you enjoyed this chapter! vote if you did and comment if you want!

sincerely yours,


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