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Days of intense practice had passed by, the girls' volleyball even had a few matches against the boys' volleyball team and also had morning practices during the weekend. Before Chizuru knew, the team only had at the very least few days left until their first game towards the tournament, they were ready for it and they knew the practice wouldn't go to waste.

Yoshi had announced that they should rest for the day but tomorrow they would at least practice in their usual regimen and so Chizuru had gone home, laid upon her bed, her body almost fainted at the touch of it and the ace was ready to sleep. She closed her eyes and almost going towards dreamland, until she heard her phone ring. Without opening her eyes, she picked a hold of the mobile and pressed it to her ear

"Hello?" She said in a tired voice. Hara's voice came from the other side and her eyes opened slightly.

"Chizuru-san, open your door." Always so direct. The female sighed and her feet soon led her to the entrance of her house, she hesitantly opened the door, almost nervous about what Hara wanted to do with her right after school, even though they would often hang out after her volleyball practices, she told him she would just stay home for the day.

She swung the door open and there she saw Hara, his phone still in hand, his school bag and plastic bags in another— plastic bags?

The black-haired female stares up at him in confusing and sees him grinning down at her, she took a step aside to give him more and so he came in. Taking off his shoes and leaving his school bag on the ground along with the plastic and not explaining to why he had come in yet. Chizuru eyed his every move as he took off his blazer and taking a hold of the plastic bags again and going towards the kitchen.

She just silently trails behind him and watches as he makes himself comfortable in her kitchen, she leaned against the doorway and furrowed her brow.

"What are you doing?" She finally asks and the male chuckles before moving onto the sink and soaking his hands before running them through hair and brushing his bangs back, revealing his eyes and features completely.

"I am glad you asked, but for now, just have a seat and literally, don't stand up to help me at all." He says and takes the apron that was on the chair, putting it on him and efficiently tying it around his back before smirking. "I know you're tired so just enjoy  the "Chef Hara-san show!" and learn a few new skills." Chizuru sighs and places her head in her hands.

"Just try not to burn the kitchen down." The male grins at her while she covers her lips and holds back her own smirk.

"You're gonna be amazed by how much of a good chef I am."

Chizuru was looking at Hara the entire time, she was honestly amazed by how serious he looked, not to mention with his hair back like that. Almost really made him seem professional, he even did some master moves that made the female hold in her laughs. And it was after half an hour, how quick, that the lavender haired male finished cooking the food.

The black-haired female was about to stand up and at the very least, get some plates to put on the on table, but Hara even stopped her from doing that as well. He placed the plates down, put the knives and forks in their places even placed the cup of water on the table and after doing all that, he started to serve the food.

She waited for Hara to sit down as well and she clasped her hands together, quietly thanking for the food before digging in, Chizuru could feel the male staring at her every movement and it was now clear since he was holding his bangs up. She guided the chopsticks that held a piece of beef towards her lips and placed it on her tongue before chewing and swallowing.

A smile came to Hara's features when he saw how Chizuru's forest green irises shone for a split second and widening before closing while her hand covered her mouth, she smiled and took another piece before looking up at Hara who was staring at her all the time.

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