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The next morning, it had felt like it normally was. Annoyed by the fact she had to wake up by the annoying non-stop ringing sound of her alarm, Chizuru immediately reached for her phone and pressed on various places until the mobile had finally gone quiet again. Her arm fell back on her side and she sighed, slowly opening her eyes only to face her younger sister. Kae seemed to sleep so soundly but Chizuru knew that today, she wouldn't want to go to school.

She quietly slipped from bed and quietly closed the door behind her as she got out of the room, the house was quiet as usual but it felt different somehow ever since what happened yesterday, or maybe it was Chizuru who felt different.

Chizuru went into the kitchen and looked up at the wall clock, it was still 4 hours earlier than the time she would usually wake up. First things first then, Chizuru would take a shower and do a few chores around the house if there are any, maybe jog? That is a maybe.

And so, she took the shower, changed into some basic clothes so that she could do the chores and so when she was done doing all of that, she still had three hours to go. To think she would be able to do the chores in an hour... she was impressed with herself. Chizuru changed herself quietly in her room making sure to also put her hair up in a small ponytail and putting on her running shoe, she finally exited the house and leave the key inside the mail boy under the accumulated letters she would have to collect later on.

Not being too cold, but also not being too hot for a morning, it was a perfect for Chizuru to choose to jog. Putting in her earphones she started to jog down the street, the music making it rhythm on her body and so she ran quick when the beats went up and slow when needed.

Before she realised, the sun was already with its tip appearing and she was quiet close to her house, she pulled out her phone and saw she had still an hour to go. She made her way back home jogging and as she went down the street, she furrowed her brow when hearing as if somebody say her name, she stopped and took off her earphones. Chizuru looked around at her quiet surroundings and so placed her earphones back on but once again taking them back off when hearing her name being called out.

"What the— "

"Chizuru!" She faced the direction of the house she hasn't gone in a long time, popping from a window was Kuroo, his hair as messy as always while he had his hands around his mouth.

Her eyes were wide open when she saw him and didn't know what to say, she opened her mouth but the memories about what happened in Kenma's house and then when she overheard him talking to Miu came back and she found it too awkward to speak. The female hesitantly placed her earphones back on and with a blank expression as usual she sent him a small wave before starting to jog once more.

As soon as she passed three houses, she felt her heart beat starting to race and she slowly came to a stop while taking a breath.

"Of all times to see him..." She murmured to herself while wiping away the sweat that had accumulated on her forehead, she looked ahead and saw her house. As soon as she let out a sigh of relief and took a step forward, she was yanked back by the arm and she felt a hard chest pressed against her back.

"Chizuru!" She heard Kuroo's voice from behind her, making her eyes widen once more in surprise and out of instinct her hands clenched into a fist and went down south in full speed. Next thing she hears is someone groaning and her body being pulled down in the slightest.

"You didn't have to react that way...."

".... Oh, it's you." She simply said to the male who narrowed his eyes at her and then saw her pull out her earphones and clearly showing them. "My volume is really loud so I couldn't hear you properly." She lied and the bedhead male nodded his head while trying to stand up from the ground and holding his lower half.

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