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The family that surrounded Chizuru was, according to her, just like Hara, but taking away the asshole kind of personality. She was dragged inside by the mother and immediately taken to the living room first thing, she even had to sit beside Hara who she swore was laughing out loud in his mind.

She didn't want to be there, she wanted to go home, this was just a bad dream she was having and no, absolutely no way in hell, this felt like a marriage interview. Her heart was trying to calm itself down she saw the entire family finally gather at once in the living room and sitting themselves down, the mother and father with smiles on their faces while the siblings simply stared at her.


The black-haired female cleared her throat and hesitantly reached out for a cookie that was on top of the table and took a nip from it, Hinami smiling brightly at her while a giggle emitted from her throat.

"My, Kazuya, your girlfriend is really pretty!" She comments and Chizuru immediately chokes on the piece of chocolate cookie she swallowed, she started to pat herself on the back while tears formed on the edge of her eyes as she coughs. Hara also patted her back gently and she glared at him before facing the woman in from of her.

"Um... Hara-san— "

"Please call me Hinami." Chizuru's eyes widen and she wryly smiles before enlacing her own fingers together and nodding her head. "May I ask your name?"

"K-Kazetani Chizuru."

"When did you meet Kazuya, Tsuru-kun?" She stared at the father in surprise of the nickname he had given her. Tsuru-kun... God, she just wants to go home and forget about this entire thing and maybe see the family again in another proper occasion. The father's question had also caught her off guard and she didn't know whether to say, "Your son met me in the karaoke and found my student ID, the next day he bribed me to be his friend and in return he wouldn't tell the person I like that I love him. "or come up with a lie about how they met.

She smiled at the older male and glanced at Hara, but the moment she did so, Chizuru's forest green eyes dilate when she felt a hand enlace itself through hers, looking down she saw that it was Hara's hand. She stared at it in surprise and her mouth was agape when she felt and saw his thumb caress the back of her hand.

"We met at one of her volleyball tournaments and my team was playing in the same that hers was playing, her team won and later I saw her and we had a small chat." She found herself being surprised by how his voice held such... sincerity. His obvious lie almost made Chizuru believe that their first encounter was that way, her eyes avert down and she forgets to let go of his hand.

"Oh? How nice!" The younger brother, Katsuki, beams and places his hand upon his cheeks while blushing lightly and the older sibling found himself smiling towards Hara.

"And when was that game?" This time the mother was the one who asked and Hara chuckled to himself while the ace could only look away.

"That was towards the end of 2nd year."

** ** ** **

The black-haired female now walked towards her house, totally exhausted. Feeling as if her soul had officially left her body, she leaned against the gate of her garden while sighing. If this how marriage interviews work, Chizuru never wanted to have one and instead would decide to be forever single if anything like that happens, she looks at the door of her house and soon to her father's car that was parked by the side of it

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