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Chizuru walked down the packed hallways of Nekoma high, students running after each and some just walking around she was, except that in groups. Her milk carton in hand as she was going down the stairs that would lead a quicker way towards the male Volleyball club area.

Ever since yesterday, the ace has been bothered by the fact she was too harsh towards Kuroo that night and so she wanted to apologise for talking to him that way, not only that but she wanted to have lunch with him. She saw a few of his team mates walk out of the sports area and she sighed in relief when they didn't notice her.

The female went inside and saw volleyballs everywhere, the net still in place as well. Meaning that Kuroo must be the one that will put them away or the coach sometime soon, her eyes roamed around the area and she saw a school bag on top of the bench. As she walks towards it, upon hearing laughs coming from the storage room to which she recognised as Kuroo's.

"You did that?!" He seemed to ask someone, Chizuru was about to walk towards the place where the voices originated from but stopped on her tracks when hearing another voice in which she recognised immediately.

"Yep! In the end, I wasn't even caught!" Another round of laughs came from Kuroo and Chizuru's heart tugged painfully and her stomach twisting. She could only stand there as she heard the two laugh at each other, she was standing there, frozen in place and shocked. She even forgot what she went to do.

After she was done for, she ran out of the place as fast as she could and on her way out she ran into somebody. The person shrieked and held onto the tall black-haired female who held her from falling onto the ground, Chizuru looked properly at the person and saw that it was Yoshi.

"Chizuru-senpai?" She asked. "What are you doing over at the male volleyball club area?" Her lips had gone dry and she didn't know what to answer back to the manager, Chizuru averted her eyes down and shook her head, seeming to not know how to answer.

Without realising, she had let go of the first-year girl and ran away into the school building, bumping into some people in the process of going back to her classroom. The girl walked into the classroom and sat near her usual group of friends that she sometimes spent time with, they would be talking about random things while the ace was just staring out the window in deep thought.

She felt her phone vibrate inside her pocket and so she took a look to see who it was.

Harassole (Hara):

Chizuru-san! Just a few more hours to go until our date! Are you excited??


Piss off.

** ** ** **

Just like Hara had promised Chizuru, he went to pick her up from school, and he was not alone just as he had said. Chizuru was staring blankly at her surroundings like she would usually do but the lavender haired male would be bothering her through the entire way, teasing her about how nice she looked even after she had her volleyball practice, every now and then swinging his arm over her shoulder to which would be instantly slapped away.

"Oh, look! We're here!" The male with spiky like hair that was a brown red-ish colour announced to the group, apparently his name was Yamazaki as long as Chizuru could remember. The entire group that Hara had brought with him introduced themselves to Chizuru and she would remember them in a very special way.

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