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Chizuru had her hand held tightly by Miu who kept shaking the entire time, the female volleyball team from Nekoma was now standing in front of the building they would be playing in and most of them nervous. After many games through the three years, mostly the third years in the team were nervous about the game they were about to play.

The captain of the team gripped the female's hand tightly before letting go and turning around to face the team she was leading. Miu clapped her hands and Chizuru payed attention to her along with the rest of the girls.

"Alright girls! We're going to win this, remember that this is the moment we have been all waiting and training for!" The girls shouted a yes in response and the ash blonde female raised her fist and soon turned around to face the building they were about to go in. "Let us go and win this thing!"

Miu went ahead with the team behind her, Chizuru walked a few steps back while smiling slightly and soon standing beside Yoshi and coach Nekomata. She walked into the building and breathed in sharply before jogging towards the rooms in where her team was in. She was about to go into the room when she had bumped into someone on the way, she looked down to see someone she didn't expect to see first thing.

"...Oh my, Kazetani-san, you didn't change much at all since the last time we faced each other." He saw a female with dyed red hair looking up at her with a sly grin, Chizuru maintained her blank face and bowed her head slightly.

"The same goes to you, Ueno." She hears the girl snicker and place her hand upon the ace's shoulder, to which opens her eyes to glare at her slightly.

"Let this be our best match, we're third years after all and this might be the last game for one of us." She soon walked past the tall black-haired female and looked over her shoulder with a smirk while narrowing her eyes. "I can't wait for our match to start." The female said but her eyes soon widen in surprise when seeing the ace look over her shoulder with a grin of her own and snickering lowly.

"I can't wait for our match to start as well, I wish you luck." Was the only thing she said before walking off into the changing rooms. The team was rather excited as she walked in and most people already changed into their kits, after a few minutes when everyone was ready, the manager of the team walked in with a challenging grin on her lips.

Yoshi walked towards the middle to where everyone was gathered around and stretched her hand out, to which everyone soon placed their hands on top.

"Alright girls, let's make this the best match for the start of many!" She beamed and the team roared afterwards and lifting their hands into the air and soon exited the room. They jogged into the court and soon started to grab the volleyballs to start their own training, Chizuru looked around quickly and took notice that it was slightly packed even for the first game in semi-finals.

They did serves, sets, spikes and soon after, the whistle was heard the team went to coach Nekomata who had called out to them. He had a grin on his features while Yoshi had one of her on by his side.

"You girls go and smash this, that's all I have to say." The team grinned and soon repeated the same motto the male team would say, everybody went back into their positions and Chizuru saw the ball thrown towards her, she grabbed it and went into her position to serve.

She waited for the whistle to blow and sign that the game started but instead she heard various voices chanting out her name, her eyes widen and she looks up to see a group of boys along with a young girl in between them. It wasn't Kuroo and the male volleyball team but instead, Hara, the Kirisaki Daichi basketball team that she once hung out with, her sister and the Hara siblings.

They cheered for both Chizuru and her team while some people were giving them strange looks, Hara sent a grin her way and gave her thumbs up. The female smirked at him and soon looked ahead of her when the whistle was blown.

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