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She without realising had fallen on the ground, her hands on her phone as she tried multiple times already to phone the inactive phone number.

"I can't phone the hospitals yet, who knows that she might just come through those doors now." Chizuru murmured loudly, Hara was still standing behind her quietly. Suddenly a gasp went through the female's lips as she realised she didn't call her sister's manager, she quickly pressed on his contact and after a few rings, she heard the line connect.

"Kazetani-san? Hello!" She heard the friendly male voice she had heard many times before over the phone.

"Riku-san? Hello." She greeted back and her free hand had started to grip her thigh. "Is my sister still there with you?" She heard the manager hum in question at her question only to chuckle wryly soon later.

"No, she left about three hours ago." Chizuru's hand started to tremble and her mouth had gone dry, Kae left a few hours ago, the studio wasn't far from their house and so she would've gotten here in about half an hour right after. "Is she still not home yet?"

"...N-No." Her voice came out shakenly and she felt a hand once again on top of her shoulder, but this time, she didn't turn around to face Hara. "Did she leave by herself?" A confirming hum came from Riku and Chizuru gripped her hair out of panic.

"Chizuru, calm down, have you tired her phone?" The ace murmured a yes and so the male on the other line appeared to be thinking about something. "Earlier she appeared to be talking with a friend over her phone and they were talking about meeting up, maybe that's what she went to do?" This clamed Chizuru slightly and so she sighed in what seemed relief.

"... Maybe she did go to see that friend, but up to this late?"

"You never know how kids are these day Chizuru!" The female laughed and so she heard an awkward laugh coming from the manager on the other line. "I-I mean, Kazetani-san, I am sorry."

Chizuru shook her head and so sighed under her breath. "It's okay Riku-san, anyways, thank you for telling me about Kae." She thanked and both said their goodbyes, as soon as she pressed the red button displaying on screen, she relaxed her body. She looked over her shoulder to see Hara kneeling down beside her, she stared at him for some time before turning away slightly.

"Right... thanks for bringing me home and sorry that you had to see all this." She apologises and sighs before standing up from the floor, and offering a hand to the male.

"Oh? Chizuru-san is offering me her hand? I am honoured!" He exclaimed while taking her hand in a tight grip, the ace narrowed her eyes at him and so when she had pulled him up, she lost balance over her body and stumbled forwards.

A look of surprise came across her features but her back foot had gone forwards and managed to stop her from going further and her free hand gripped the table that was beside her, her heart had stopped but then Chizuru had taken a breath and glared down at the lavender haired boy below her who had a grin lined upon his lips.

"Bastard, that's what you are." She sneered at him while he simply chuckled at her words before standing up from the floor himself, she continued to glare at him while he laughed to himself. "Don't expect me to lose control over my balance so easily." She warns and he suddenly looks to the side and eyes the table beside them until he reaches his hand out to something. Chizuru looked to the side and saw that he had picked up a family frame.

"Is this little Chizuru-san?!" He asked out loud and the female sighed while nodding her head. "Your face hasn't changed at all, only hairstyle." The female also decided to take a look at the picture and her eyes narrowed in slight sadness upon seeing the face of a familiar dark-haired woman that resembled her asides from her honey coloured orbs.

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