Two Years

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The sound of the birds chirping and the insects brought life to the land.


As well as it's residence.


Clutching my bow, I notched and arrow once I spotted a deer and drew the string back to shoot.

When I was about to let the arrow lose something whiz pass by me and the deer fell down with a pained screech with an arrow embedded on it's shoulder.

I glared at the ape above the trees and signed "No fair Cornelius! I had the deer first!"

My adoptive son just casually lay on the branch "can't a son impress his own mother?" I huffed and signed before turning around "you have impressed me during our first hunt. Now you just want to annoy me"

Cornelius gave a familiar grin an all too familiar ape I love use when I am angry or just down right peeved.

"Perhaps..." He jumped down and walked up to the deer with me behind him. I pulled out the arrow while he carried the deer on his back.

"For a young ape you sure have the strength of an adolescent ape" I signed as we walked back to our home.

"What can I say mother, I am an ape after all"


The tribe consists of many different styles of home for each ape and his family.

I waved at Maurice as he taught the children how to sign in his two year old school made out of rocks for writing. His joyful eyes met mine and he waved. Beside him was Nova, the kids all love her as a guardian and the male apes would tend to get too comfortable with her which both Cornelius and Maurice responded very sourly.

I wonder if Cornelius even has feelings for Nova, I can never be sure.

Cornelius and I arrived at our home which was made out of wood and leaves. Our home was built in the center of the tribe so that apes may be able to come to our home with ease.

"You are home early" I smiled as Caesar pulled the two of us into a hug. He and touched foreheads and we nuzzled for a bit and stopped (Cornelius was getting uncomfortable with it anyway)

"Your beloved son took my food!" I signed like a whiney kid not being able to get what she wanted which is true on my case.

"Like father like son" Caesar signed proudly and patted Cornelius's back.

I rolled my eyes. During these two years Caesar became more outgoing and less tense than before, he still holds that glare which send tingling chills on my spine.

This Caesar now is so much more different than the stern and somewhat cold Caesar before.

"I love you" I signed and touched his chest. He answered by nudging our foreheads together and nuzzling the crook of my neck and placing a small kiss on my juncture. Some answer!

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