The Fault in Humanity

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I was happily munching on a few fruits given to the humans in this huge colony while listening to Caesar and the ape (whose name we found out was Jordan) talk.

"We have been living here ever since once the humans saw that we have been infected by the virus" Jordan spoke.

"Aren't you ape?" I asked and he smiled "Human I was once was. Unlike those who killed the apes because they became a bit more superior while the humans died, I found not a cure but a type of medicine that reverses the effect of the virus but the only consequence it has was the appearance of the subject"

I nodded in understanding. No wonder he looked a little bit like a human instead of an ape.

"Are humans here like you?" Caesar asked and Jordan nodded "slowly the medicine will start to take effect on their body and they will slowly start to change like me"

"Cool, so its like a werewolf potion!" Justin said and I rolled my eyes at his weird way of understanding the situation.

"Do the humans know you are here?" Jordan shook his head when Rocket suddenly asked "I heard that their leader needs Kira. Why is that?"

"He plans on using her DNA because he thinks her blood can cure all simian virus humans but he should know by now that it's only going to kill them at some point" Justin stated flatly.

I sighed in annoyance. Why are people so intent on going after me anyway?

"Humans lost they're humanity through fear and hate. I plan to restore that" Jordan said. All of the apes and humans surrounded us and smiled before joining hands. Woah, this looks a lot like an initiation.

"I know you have your own tribe to look after but if there is anything you need, we'll always be there"

Caesar looked at the joined hands before closing his two fists and raising them up together.

Cornelius, Nova, Rocket and I followed the same and Justin (looking confused at our gesture) followed our example.

"Apes...together... Strong!"


I watched the stars shining down below us with awe and amazement. Justin can up behind me and touched my shoulder.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Is mom and dad real?"

Justin diet say anything but for a few moments he answered "we got separated from them. Haven't seen them ever since though some say they saw dad from time to time on the underground base camp"

I grew silent as I processed what he said. So, mom and dad are alive somewhere (what a relief) and knowing I had parents brought me to a state of mixed emotions.

"We have to rescue mom and dad from that hellhole" I finally signed. Justin looked at me like I had grown two heads.

"Ate you insane?!"

Yep, the reaction I needed.

"Justin please...I need to see mom and dad"

I saw an emotional war raging in his eyes. He looked at me then at the apes and humans walking around. His eyes landed to a small child in the arms of the father while his arms were wrapped around his wife's waist.

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