Off To A Journey Again

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The news of Lake and Nova's attack as well as Nova's capture sent everyone in a frenzy. Maurice was snarling the whole time and a dark mood befell on him which was very unlike the Maurice everyone knew and love.

Cornelius paced back and forth with a scowl on his face and I was getting worried for him and Nova.

Cornelius suddenly stopped, walked inside Maurice's alcove and came out with a leather bag.
Oh no...

"Cornelius, where are you going?" I signed he looked at me dead in the eye. Oh Shit, Caesar had that look when he wanted to do something... Alone.

"I'm going to get Nova back"

Already knew the answer.

"Can we just think this through?" I reasoned out and he huffed "I am not going to sit here while they're doing something bad to Nova!"

I sighed knowing he's not going to change his mind about this "then I am going with you"

I marched back to Maurice's alcove, grabbed all the necessities I need and walked back to a stunned Cornelius.

"You can't come with me?" Now this is interesting. I raised a brow and signed "is there a problem?"

Caesar nodded then shook his head "I'm not sure father would approve"

I placed my hands on my hips before signing "as if I already approve of you running off to who knows where!"

Cornelius winced and I sighed before looking at two apes and signing to them to get two horses.

"Liking it or not I am coming with you. I survived a bloody war, I can survive a wild battle!"

Cornelius sighed, knowing my stubbornness is as high as Mount Everest itself.

"Fine, but if father's going to get furious at this, I'm bringing you down with me"

At this, I grinned "son, your father took me as a prisoner and glared at me all the time"

We shared a smile before we rode off. Ah, like old times.


Caesar's POV

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