The Faces of the Past

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2 hours I had been pacing back and forth in this bloody, shitty room and I still have no idea of means of escaping.

This is gonna take forever!

The sound of the prisoners with me making noise was not helping me either.

This is driving me crazy!

I sighed and sat down in exhaustion. If I can't get out of here, Caesar's gonna kill me.

I looked around and decided to try to identify the faces to see if there was anyone familiar I see in the last two movies of the Planet of the Apes.

They skittered and moved away from me like I was dangerous. I huffed and proceeded to look when the person at the last end of the cages made me gasp.



Caesar's POV

We trekked the shortest pathway to keep ourselves hidden and to keep an eye on the moving vehicles.

"Father, do you think they're after mother because of what happened two years ago?" Cornelius asked and my eyes hardened.

"I don't know...but I won't let them come near her" I answered. The moving vehicles stopped and started to make camp.

We settled somewhere the bushes where thick that they won't see us.

Cornelius sat down as I started the fire. Cornelius looked at the stars and signed "father, how did you court mother?"

I gave him a puzzled look "you mean Kira?" He nodded and I felt uncomfortable about that subject. Rocket made a series of snickering noises and I shot him a glare.

"I asked mother and she said that I have to ask you since I am a male and so are you"

Kira, why put me in a situation I am not comfortable with?!

Maybe because you placed her in that position first.

I sighed "what did your mother tell you?" Cornelius shrugged "treat her right or else she may end up kicking you in the gut. What does that mean?"

Thank goodness he's still turning adolescent.

"Something most males would tend to avoid getting hit at"

Cornelius nodded and settled himself on a pile of leaves and sending a silent prayer that Kira was alright.

I felt a pang in my chest at Kira. Is she alright? Where was she? Is she still alive?

The last thought made me want to bolt back to where I left her and search for her.

"She can handle herself for a few hours but not Nova"

Cornelius's words made me feel a little bit relieved that she could take care of her herself.

But how long will she last out there?


Kira's POV

You know in those moments when you saw flashbacks of your past life with that person you get to feel deja vu.

I am feeling that now.

I blinked.

He blinked.

I blinked.

He blinked.

I blinked.


He bloody talked!

I nodded dumbly with my mouth hanging open. No words were expressed as I stared at the face of my disheveled brother.

"What happened?" I signed and he shrugged "it happened to fast...I can't remember" I tried to open the lock but it was too advanced, too high-tech for me to even unlock it.

"Why keep them here?" He shrugged again, his eyes downcast and void of any life.

"The boss, the leader of this madness saw that within our DNA, he can make a cure for the backfired and here we are"

A humorless laugh came up to him "you and I have been stuck down here since we were kids but you managed to escape"

I grew confused, I never remember any of this "how would you know?" Justin stared at me "they gave us a special type of syringe that makes us fall asleep and dream until we were done being experimented on. Those who came back became who they are now"

My gaze went to the simian virus humans in the cages and I cringed.

"How come you and I are stable?" Justin shrugged "beats me, all I know is that I suddenly fell asleep while we were watching a movie and when I woke up, I was in an unfamiliar place tied up and people screaming that you escaped while still in your dream state"

The memory of me waking up in the forest with no memory of how I got there came to me.

"How long have you stayed in here?" Justin raised up his two fingers "after they found out I had only part of the DNA they needed, I was brought here and stayed here for two years"

He had been staying here for two hellish years?!

I was in shock, how the heck can a person remain stable for two years trapped with unstable simian virus humans?

I sternly looked at him him.

"We need to get out of here"

He grinned, hope coming into his eyes "then, let's bust ourselves out of here"

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