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The moon shone down on us, providing us light to see. The journey to the underground base camp was silent. Nova occasionally slept on my back but managed to tighten her hold on me.

"Say Kira, I haven't asked what's it like living in the forest cause seriously, you wearing clothes that barely covers up your skin reminds me of a female version of Tarzan"

I glared at him "You don't want me to go ape shit on you Justin, I'm a certified human ape" Justin smiled at me nervously "okay ape girl, you win."

I gave him a smug look before answering "living in the forest is much more accommodating than being in closed off walls"

Justin nodded. Nova stirred awake and yawned "Morning" I raised a brow at her "its still night time Nova"

"Dawn Kira, its already dawn" Justin clarified. I rolled my eyes, night and dawn are the same in appearance anyways, the only difference is the time.

"Are we there yet?" I signed and Nova answered "we're close"

I saw small lights like fireflies and realized those were electrical lights. Bingo!

We tied our horse a few feet away and we made our way to the entrance.

"How do we get pass the guards?" Nova asked when we noticed two guards were posted for night patrol.

I grinned and grabbed a fistful of dirt, pour water over it and smacked myself in it.

"Kira, that's not how you do beauty treatment" Justin said but I noticed the gears in his head turning. I added a few mud on Nova and messed up both of our hairs.

"Now I get it, you are going to go on there disguising as an unstable simian virus human good idea - BUT INSANE TO THE CORE!?" Justin whisper screamed the last part.

"Thee is a 50% chance that we will get out alive and a 50% chance we are going to be buried six feet under!"

I gave him a blank stare "but I'll get to see my parents"

"Risking Nova's life as well!" Justin screamed when something pricked me in the neck and my world started to get hazy.

I pulled out the thing stuck on my neck and I cursed.

Sleep darts...

I was so preoccupied arguing with Justin that I didn't notice a guard sneaking up behind us before it was too late.

The world began to fade and I found myself lying down on the soft grass and the last thing I heard was footsteps running far away before I blacked out...again.

Why the heck does this always happen to me?!



So cold...

Why the hell is it so bloody cold?!

"Kira wake up..."

That familiar.

"Wake up sweetheart"

"Open your eyes little chimp"

My eyes slowly opened before they snapped shut at the hurtful light directly below me and I found myself in a cafe being shared by Justin (whoopee...) And two people I don't recognized.

I groaned and heard Justin speaking "finally up Sleeping Beauty" I glared at him and sat up slowly when I turned my attention to the two prisoners a few feet away.

The man was wearing a military suit and his eyes looked dunked and void of life as he tried to comfort the sniffing woman beside him.

Justin gave me an unreadable look before slowly gripping my hand and taking me to them.

They looked up and gazed at me wih awe and shock which made me uncomfortable since I was they were getting a bit too intense with the staring.

"Um...hey, I'm Kora and who are you?" I signed bluntly and straight to the point. They snapped out of their stare (thank goodness!) And their eyes lowered to the ground in sadness.

Justin gave me a chastised look like I did something very unforgivable.

What did I do?

My confused expression made him speak "meet Mother and Father"



Nova's POV

I sprinted pass the clearing and to the horses where I mounted on Kira's horse and raced back to Jordan's ape colony.

Why did I run?

The image of Justin telling me to run flashed into my mind before the image of Kira laying motionless to the ground came.

I shook my head, now's not the time to dwell on these things!

By the time I reached the entrance the sun was already up. I dismounted and ran straight towards Caesar.

I shook him awake and he shot up and gripped my arm tightly that I hissed in pain.

He let go immediately and gave me an apologized look before he noticed the empty space beside him.

"Where is Kira?"

"Kira has been Captured!"


Kira's POV

Silence fell on the cage as I glanced at Justin then at the two persons whom were my parents.

I narrowed my eyes and saw the similarities between the two and us. Justin had father's deep blue eyes and mothers soft features while I had my mother's jade eyes and the sharp features  my father.

But I had to be sure.

"If you are my parents, what did you usually call me?"

They immediately answered without hesitation.

"Our little chimp"

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