What Lies Ahead

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Nova's POV

Fear was the only thing that was coursing through my veins.

The time I woke up, I was being carried away to an unknown place.

Lake, where are you?!

I felt fear for the young female ape and I wondered if she had survived and ran away to inform the others.

Or worse...

I shook my head, I refuse to dwell on negative thoughts!

I felt myself being carried towards where?

"We got what you need boss!"

I was suddenly yanked out of the sack by my hands and I winced in pain.

I was in an underground place, the walls were lit with lamps and everything about this place screamed danger.

"Are you two kidding me! We lost one soldier all because of a brat?!"

"But...you said there was a girl the leader of the apes took a liking too!"

Did these men mean Kira?

"Yes but there were two girls living there, TWO!"

I looked up and saw a man with grey white hair and his face was wrinkled but no doubt that face was as familiar as day.

It - it's HIM!


Kira's POV

The morning sun shone down on the silent forest floor and the only thing that caught it's attention was a young female human, tired and sore from last night's activities.

Geez, I feel like I just got pounded in the gut!

My eyes widen and my face flushed red when the ape beside me started to stir awake.

Caesar pulled me towards him and spoke "you are up early" I squeaked (which was so unlike me!) and covered myself with leaves.

"Caesar!" I signed with embarrassment. Caesar raised a brow "what's wrong?"

"What's wrong?! We are in the middle of the forest, naked and Rocket along with Cornelius are doing who knows what?!"

I looked grimly at my torn up clothes.

Great...I didn't pack a set

A pair of clothes were suddenly smacked in my face and I stumbled a bit.

I looked at the clothes in my hands then raised a brow at Caesar.

"I might have asked them to get some of your clothes..."

"You dirty ape!"

I immediately wore them just as soon as I heard Cornelius and Rocket fast approaching.

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