The Savage

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My family and I were in a complete silence until I started pacing back and forth again.

"So..when will this husband of yours will come and rescue us before we are screwed?"

I bit my lip, I always knew Caesar would come and get my ass out of here.

But for how long can I hold out until he arrives?


The sound of the cage opening made me shot up from my sleep and I snarled while making my way in front of my family.

Justin stood beside me with an arm raised in front of our sleeping parents.

The soldier grinned and made a movement to place a chain on my neck.

Fat Chance!

I bit him on the hand hard and he yelped in pain. More soldiers came in and pinned me down. Justin screamed and thrashed, yelling at them to let me go.

The commotion woke mom and dad up and they sprang into action but it resulted into them being knocked out in the process, they were too weak to even fight.

I was finally chained to my neck and was pulled harshly away from my family.

"Get your hands off Kira!"

Justin's screams echoed as soon as the door behind me closed.


Justin could not help but curse at his own weakness. He snarled and turned to punch on a nearby wall.

Cracks came and his knuckles bled. Justin breathed heavily when he felt something change within him.

Something primitive was rising.


I fought back and pulled as best as I could but with them prodding their tasers on me and the constant harsh pulling of the chain made it vain.

I entered (more like dragged in) a  white room with a small bed with straps on it.

Cold chills washed over me as I fought desperately.

"What the heck is going on and why am I even here?!"

My questions were answered when the same man that talked to me came in with different sorts

Experimenting Tools.

"Looks like our test subject is here"

Hold up, did he just say TEST SUBJECT!?!?

I snarled and thrashed and tensed up as they tried to strap me in.

"You do remember what I said about me being curious right about your immunity to the virus am I right?"

My response was a snarl to his face.

"Well, I just want to make sure if there is actually something "wrong" with you"

The only wrong in me is that I'm being forced in my will to become a test pet!

I didn't even realize a needle was already giving me a sleeping liquid and it was long before my mind went blank.

Caesar Help!


Justin paced back and forth while trying to calm his racing heart that was alarmingly beating too fast.

What the shit am I going to do?!


Justin jumped back as a large explosion sounded off the distance.

Alarm bells screeched and soldiers came running in with guns blazing. Justin managed to grab a small pocket knife from a running soldier and we immediately worked his way to open the door.


The padlock fell and Justin hauled up his groggy parents up.

"Come on! Let's get out of here!"

"What about Kira?!"

A loud hoot came and Justin turned around to face the point of a gun being held by an ape.

Sweet Mother Of Nature!

Justin tensed a bit as the ape glared at him then at his parents when a female human came in.

"Caesar stop! They are good people. They're Kira's parents and brother!"

This guy, I mean ape was Caesar?!

Caesar huffed and lowered the gun down as another ape came in. He had the similarities of Caesar.

That's Kira's son, Cornelius!

Justin gaped for a minute and so did his parents until he spoke.

"We have to find Kira, she was -"

"Welcome, Ape Leader Caesar!"

Their gaze went up to the man who spoke to them. Justin gasped in horror at what the man was holding in chains.



Caesar had never felt so angry when he caught sight of Kira being held in chains like an animal.

"The the shit did you do to Kira!"

"What have you done to my daughter!?"

Cornelius hooted an cried out as he watched his mother looking at them listlessly.

"I managed to finally bend her to my will. She was such a fighter Caesar, it reminded me of my son when you killed him"

Shock entered Caesar at first when he remembered the kernel that placed his people to slavery and had them work at the wall.

"It was he that killed himself!"

The man's eyes hardened at the point he snarled "it was YOU that made him primitive! You set the virus free and destroyed human kind!" All went silent.

Caesar glared coldly at him and he turned to look at Kira worriedly "what have you done to my wife?"

"Oh, broke her spirit a bit. Did a little experiment on her, now she's my pet"

"You turned my sister into a monster!"

Everyone felt sick and disgusted. This man was worse than his son.

He pulled the chain and Kira mad a low gutteral growl that sounded really off.

"Let her go!"

The response Kira's mother got was a maniacal smile from the man.

"I'm afraid I can't do that and I'm afraid I can't let you live either. Kira, finish them off!!!"

Kira gave a loud roar as the chains broke and she charged at them full speed.


Justin gasped and dodged out of the way. Kira sped past him to charge at Caesar and Cornelius.

When he saw Kira, her eyes were jade green. Now, they were a firey orange filled with hate and madness.

The eyes of a savaged monster.

I turned to father and mother and I motioned him to follow me as I dashed inside the lab.

We need to find a cure to bring the real Kira back.

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