Cure or Not

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Finding the source of Kira's feral attitude was as hard as finding a coin in a sea of marbles.

Justin never felt sick to the stomach the minute he entered the lab.

Blood was smeared across the floor and all types of of wires were hanging on the bed.

I'm getting sick...

Holding back his appetite, Justin immediately grabbed a notebook lying on a small desk and began reading.

Richard scanned through the data while Raye proceeded to take out all the test tubes and all the science tools needed.

All they need is to find the "thing" that's making Kira go wild and find a way to reverse it.

Easy as a walk in the park right?

Wrong, so very very wrong.


Caesar snarled as he held Kira back.

Cornelius and Nova along with Rocket had gone off to capture the leader and Caesar didn't like the fact he was letting his son face the human that made his Kira act like this.

But, he was preoccupied at the moment.

"Kira, it's me! Caesar!"

The response he got was a snarl and a glare from those firey orange eyes.

Not the jade green eyes that made him fell for her.

Not the jade green eyes he knew.

Caesar roared and pinned Kira to the ground as she hissed and struggled to free herself.

A hoot came and Jordan came in, his body filled with bruises and gashes from the ongoing fight outside the place.

"Caesar, what happened to your mate?"

Jordan looked at the snarling Kira glaring at him with hate. Caesar bit his lip before hooting angrily.

"Human did this to her!"

Jordan snarled in anger when he saw 3 humans running towards them.

Jordan stood tense as he raised his gun up when Caesar spoke "Mate's Family!" Jordon looked at him and nodded but he was still wary.

"We found the cure!" Justin screamed, holding out a tube with orange liquid swirling around it.

"But we're not exactly sure if it'll work" Richard spoke, very unsure of himself.

Raye sighed, snatching the tube from Justin and handing it to Caesar.

"We're not entirely sure on what it's effect it has on her. The decision is up to you"

Caesar was torn.

Half of him didn't want to stick a human tool in his mate's body but another part of him knew this was their only chance in getting her back.

It was either succeed or not.


Nova, Cornelius and Rocket raced after the now running leader as they dodged oncoming attacks from the humans

"How long do you think before the bomb explodes?"

"Won't be long now. As soon as we capture their leader!"

Cornelius didn't say or sign anything, he was too worried for his mother to care.

He hoped everything was alright back at the prison room.


It felt like hope had gone out of Caesar when Kira didn't show any signs of changing back to the Kira they all knew.

"I'm sorry Caesar, we tried..." Raye wanted to burst in tears but held it back, knowing it would do no good.

Caesar merely watched Kira lash out and struggle under his weight. For a moment he thought he saw the Kira he knew flash in her wild, untamed eyes but it vanished quickly as it came.

Caesar held back a small whine as he closed his eyes and slowly pressed his forehead to Kira's.

The struggling stopped and so did the snarls.

Gasps were heard and Caesar wondered what was going on until he felt pressure on his forehead. Not the kind of pressure that would give you the impression of attacking but the pressure he knew only Kira would give.

His eyes snapped open as Kira's eyes slowly opened and emerald eyes met familiar jade.


Numbness was all I feel.

I really don't know what happened to me after that bloody bastard sedated me.

But I knew the voices screaming at my head and the familiar hoot of my mate.

I really wanted to push my eyes open, to really see the faces of my family.

Suddenly, pressure on my forehead was all I felt and warm tingles shot out of my arm, I knew this feeling.

Thus was the same feeling I always have when Caesar is near.

I tried once again to push the haze away with no avail and I snarled.

Oh shit it all! I'm going to see Caesar!

Forcing my eyes to open I was met by a bright light.


They all watched as Kira opened her jade eyes and hissed when it pained her.

She blinked slowly and looked at Caesar and at her family.

She grinned weakly and signed.

"What'd I miss?"

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