The Threat

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I felt like I just came back from battle or in this case...a war.

How long was I asleep?

Is the war between human and apes still there?

No, that was two years ago.

I wanted to move, but my body won't allow me to move.

What the actual shit just happened?

I struggled to remember and my memory struck like a bolt of lightning.

Oh my...We Were Bombed!

Was everyone okay?

No one was hurt?

What about Nova? Maurice is going to have my head. Literally!!

I heard a series of hoots and noises as well as scuffling caught my attention. What was that?



I let a pained whimper when I felt a calloused hand touch my cheek and I slowly (and painfully) opened my eyes to meet the deep eyes I have grown to know and love.

I choked and gasped like Nova when she first met us as Caesar continued to stroke my face.

Cornelius sat beside him, looking worried and angry at what happened.

"Our home..." I gasped out when my throat began to hurt. Caesar held back a snarl coming out of his throat. Maurice entered looking pale but relieved.

"Nova..." I whispered hoarsely. Maurice signed "she's doing fine. You took most of the hit thought"

No wonder I can't move my body.

I felt some of the feeling come back and I slowly raised my fingers to cup Caesar's hand.

"We have to find the one who did this" Cornelius signed and I slowly nodded while closing my eyes.

I felt Caesar's hand leave mine and heard him spoke "we hunt...tonight"

I hope they make it back safely. Once again, I let sleep consume me.


Caesar's POV

Hot red anger coursed through my veins when I saw Kira looking so unlike the Kira I know and love.

Riding on horseback, we raced through the forest with bows and spears. We searched the entire area until one scout saw something in the distance.

Rocket led the way and we soon found ourselves surrounded by spears on the ground and embedded on each spears were...


Ape heads.

I looked around and saw nothing but blood and apes with looks of horror and fear in their soulless eyes.

"These creatures are much worse than the humans" Rocket signed. I felt a growl rise through me. We heard music drift through the air.

I crouched down and we weaved through the bushes and saw a small tribe. I blinked when I saw humans dance around the camp fire.

"The humans did all that?!" I heard a chorus of angry snarls when I raised my hand to silence them.

Something was off with these humans...

I narrowed my eyes when I noticed the blood on their noses and the wild look in their eyes "They have the simian virus" I said.

Cornelius looked confused "Nova had that virus but she never acted like that"

I nodded when a spear suddenly embedded itself on a tree right next to me.

A series of howls and noises came from the humans and we knew we have been spotted.

We rode off to the river to keep them off our track and we dismounted our horses to run on a narrow pathway and we distantly heard them run pass by us.

"That was...not humans" Rocket signed and I nodded.

We have faced the threat of humans two years ago and to find out that a group of humans with unstable minds are living here.

Home, was not safe anymore.


Kira's POV

With my strength coming back and with the rapid healing the herbs Maurice and a few ape doctors gave me, I was slowly walking.

"I am getting worried for Caesar AND Cornelius" I signed as I stared into the starry sky.

Nova sat beside me and signed with trembling fingers "they are strong. We must have faith"

I smiled slightly when I heard an ape call and the apes were suddenly crowding around the edge of our home.

I walked and saw Caesar, Cornelius and the scouts unscathed. I sighed with relief when I noticed their faces were grim.

"Did you find out who was responsible for the bombing?" I signed to Caesar and he nodded but didn't say or sign anything.

"Well, who was it?" I signed impatiently. Cornelius looked at Nova and signed "simian virus humans"

My eyes popped out buy I shut them in pain.

"They were wild humans"

Oh great...

Fate really can't leave us alone and give us an infinity of freedom.

Watch out humans! We're coming for you.

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