A New Era

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Caesar could not help but pace back and forth as he watched the underground base camp exploded far off from a distance.

There was still no sign of Kira or Cornelius.

Jordan stood beside him, his face devoid of any emotions with the exception of the worry seeping in his eyes.

"We must get to higher grounds, there could be a possibility that the flames from the explosion could cause a forest fire"

Caesar didn't move, he was not moving from his spot until he see Kira and Cornelius.

Nova wrung her hands together nervously. She was getting more and more worried as time ticked by and no sign of Cornelius or Kira.

Please let them be alright.

As if her prayers had been answered, two figures walked towards them hand in hand.

Jordan and a few of his followers raised their guns and spears but quickly lowered them as the figures took the form of Kira and Cornelius.

Both damp and wet from the swim they had a few moments ago.

Nova gave a wild cheer as Cornelius released his hold on his mother and made his way to Nova.

"I thought the worst when you and Kira didn't show up!"

"I'm here now"

Meanwhile, Kira watched the two reunite and couldn't help but find the irony that Nova and Cornelius started to form a bond after the fight.

Just like how she and Caesar acted except the part when Caesar treated her a bit roughly.

Ah, must have come from the family.

Kira felt a pair of furry and huge arms wrapping around her and she turned to face Caesar.

"Told you I was going to come back with our son alive"

"Remind me to never make you do something this reckless again"

Kira laughed as she watched her family giving her warm smiles knowing everything was going to be alright.


Once we arrived back at home, Maurice didn't hesitate to give Nova a fatherly hug and greeted us back with relief.

The apes gave us hoots of greetings and relief as soon as we met them.

My human family decided to stay with Jordan for awhile to get use to the wild life they are going to be living from now on.

I smiled as Caesar converse with the apes as I grinned while pondering.

I still didn't tell him.

I unconsciously rubbed my flat stomach.


Years later...

Caesar watched the sunset on the edge of a cliff not far from his home.

So many years had passed and many things changed.

Cornelius and Nova had recently became mates which Caesar was proud of knowing his and Nova would become great rulers when he and Kira are no longer with them.

A twig snapped and Caesar didn't even need to ask who it was as soon as Kira's hand made contact with his skin.

"Watching the sunset?"

"Reminiscing the past"

Kira smiled as she joined her husband in watching the view. She frowned when she saw the human city not far from her sight.

Vines and plants had completely covered the whole city and trees were sprouting from the cement floor.

She had remembered coming there to visit despite Caesars wishes of her not too and found the place like a big burial site.

The last reminder of all human kind.

A small hoot made the pair look at Cornelius as he walked towards them with Nova in tow along with Kira's parents and brother.

"We have been looking for you two since an hour ago"

Justin frowned and Kira struck her tongue out.


I couldn't help but smile as my entire family, human and ape, watch the sunset together on the cliff.

A New Life Awaits Us

A New Era Has Been Born.

Kira smiled and held the small bundle in her arms and waited for what the future would bring them.


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