Tribal Attack

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I woke up with Caesar not by my and my senses immediately heightened. I have known Caesar long enough to know something was wrong.

The first time he left me alone while I was asleep was when there was an animal attack at the border. A pack of wolves just came looking for prey and almost killed one of the kids had it not been for a scout to see it and immediately inform Caesar.

I got up and went to my pile of clothes I had made out of flowers and leaves. When I first time I wore them, I felt like Tarzan and I was uncomfortable but once Caesar did a "really" good look at me I decided to get use to it.

I grabbed my bow and arrows and went out. Maurice was there with Nova and the kids looking very...anxious.

I walked up to them and signed "what is wrong?" Nova greeted me with a hug and signed "a scout found apes that were not from ours dead with their heads cut off"

My entire body stood stiff as I tried to imagine what Nova just signed to me.

"Where is Caesar and Cornelius?" I signed, getting more worried for both of them.

"Caesar and Cornelius went with the other scouts to find the culprit" I nodded and proceeded to walk forwards when Maurice suddenly grabbed my hand and yanked me back.

I yelped and landed on my butt. I glared at the orangutan "Maurice! What was that for?!" Maurice signed a reply

"Caesar specifically ordered me and Nova to make sure you don't go anywhere"

I gaped at him. He's FOLLOWING orders?! When Caesar went off to kill the leader of the humans alone and ordered them to go without him, Maurice disobeyed along with Luca, Rocket and of course, his rebellious and silent soon to be mate.

"you're following his order?!" Maurice grimly nodded and signed "it would be best if you and Nova will have to stay out of this. It could be the humans"

"But they were wiped out two years ago?!" I retorted.

"We are not sure if they are entirely wiped out Kira, go back home and take Nova with you while I send these kids to their parents" Maurice argued.

I reluctantly complied and took Nova by the hands and led her to my home.

Nova hadn't changed her child like curiosity and kindness which Cornelius took great pleasure whenever he gets injured, he always ask Nova to tend to his wounds.

Cocky, dirty ape son of mine. When did he get so...bold anyway?

When you had THE TALK with him.

I groaned, that was one of the embarrassing moments of my life. After having the talk with him and Caesar came home from teaching the young hunters how to hunt, our faces were red and we couldn't look at him in the eye.

"So, fellow prisoner to Caesar's orders, what shall we do?" I signed, Nova giggled at what I signed first and shrugged her shoulders

I sat down on the moss bed when I heard ticking.

What's ticking?

I signalled Nova to stay still. I searched through the entire part of the house when I found something hard on the moss bed itself.

I scattered the fresh leaves and to my horror...

A ticking bomb was planted there.

"Run!" I hoarsely managed to scream as I grabbed a frightened Nova out.

Just as soon as we opened the door, the bomb exploded.

The last thing I saw was apes screaming before darkness swallowed me whole.


Cornelius's POV

I stood beside father as he looked at the severity of the apes. The scouts looked around for any danger.

"It seems like the ones that attacked them used nothing like the knives the humans used. The marks on their body were not made of metal. They've been using weapons like ours"

Caesar signed and I grew confused "what does this mean father?" He turned to me grimly "the humans are not the only ones that opposes a threat to all ape kind"

I furrowed my brows when I heart rustling of leaves. I turned with my spear raised while the scouts surrounded us.

"Help!" I recognized that sound as Bad Ape. The chimpanzee charged at us with a wild terrified look.

"What is it?" Father asked. Bad Ape kept on shaking his head "Tribe attack, Tribe attack! Caesar's home bombed!"

It took me less than two seconds on what Bad Ape just said and my body went cold.


Caesar was already gone the minute Bad Ape said that his home was bombed and I followed after him.

Hoping, praying...that mother was alive.

Caesar's POV

I tore through the trees with my entire body filled with fear for Kira.

The tribe soon came to view and I wasted no time grabbing a vine and swinging myself towards the entrance.

The apes didn't look at me in the eye "" One ape pointed to Maurice's home and I dashed towards the house and tore the door apart.

Maurice looked at me and grimly looked at the door. I can tear down guns for all I care, as long as I can get to Kira.

"Caesar, calm down. Kira and Nova are fine" Maurice signed hesitantly. Not a good answer.

I pushed pass through Maurice and opened another door and my face turned paler than snow.

Kira, my Kira, lay on a soft moss bed being surrounded by Ape doctors. Her hair was matted and her hair was partly singed and what's worse...

Neither she or Nova made movement.

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