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Thomas was 15 when his dad got a new job. Causing him to have to leave everything he had in New York behind. The school he went to all his life- kindergarten through freshman year. All his friends that he made back in elementary school. The woods in the back of his house that he always hid in as a child when playing hide and seek. The treehouse in the backyard. He always considered it his clubhouse. Any time friends came over, they always went to the treehouse to play- aside from video games. The town that Thomas had grown up in all his life. The town he knows like the back of his hand. He was leaving it all behind. His dad was making the family move out to California. Clear across the country.

Thomas had protested. He had argued. He had begged to stay at a relative's, at least until finishing his senior year. His parents didn't care, nor did they listen to him. They made him go anyway.

Now, while Thomas was in fact 15, and didn't cry often, he went to his room to pack, and let a few stray tears fall. Grabbing his phone, he told his friends the bad news. Everyone was upset to hear that Thomas wouldn't be back for sophomore year. Or junior. Or senior.

Thomas threw his phone on the bed, hesitantly forming the boxes and packing up his belongings. His pictures. Some of himself and his first girlfriend, Brenda, some of he and his friends. Looking back on the memories did nothing but make the tears threaten to fall even faster. He rummaged through all of his clothes, photos, papers, everything.

By the time he had finished packing, he had shed several tears. He didn't even bother TRYING to hold back.

All he could hope for was a miracle. That his new town would be as good as his last. That his new school would have teachers similar to his last school. That...the others would accept him for who he was. That he wouldn't be bullied or pushed around or looked down upon. Just because of who he was.

Thomas could only hope, pray. For a miracle to happen.

Hey everyone!! This is some background to Thomas's life before moving to California and meeting Minho!! Because obviously, this is a Thomas x Minho story!!

Considering the fact that I have two or three books I'm writing simultaneously, updates may be slow, and I apologize, but I will try to make a schedule for myself so that I have consistent updates.

I hope you all enjoyed the prologue, and that you continue reading! Chapter one should be out soon!! BYEEEEE!!!!!

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