Chapter 17

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Minho and Thomas awoke to the sound of a door slamming shut. They realized they were cuddling...completely naked. It took both boys a minute to remember that they had sex.

"Thomas! Minho!" Thomas's mom called.

"Shit!" Thomas mumbled. In a scramble to get ready, they both threw on their boxers, jeans, and shirts, not bothering to make sure they looked decent. "We've got to lie. She asks, we were asleep."

Both of them ran down the stairs and told Thomas's mom that they were asleep.

"Well, Minho, your dad called. They uh...want to have a talk with you. He didn't explain anything. Just said to tell you to get over there," Thomas's mom stated.

Minho looked terrified. There was no way his mom had changed her mind. It had to be about the fight. He was even more terrified.

"Um...okay then. I'll be back then. Love you, Thomas," Minho said.

He gave Thomas a quick hug and ran out the door. Needless to say, Thomas was extremely worried about Minho. He didn't want to know what would happen when he got back to his house. 

At Minho's, his parents were standing in the middle of the living room anxiously awaiting the arrival of their son. 

"Are you sure you want to do this? He's our son," Minho's dad pleaded.

"Yes! I won't stand to have a fag living in our house. He can live with Thomas then when the two break up and he has nowhere to live it'll be his own fault," his mom ranted.

Let's just say this. Minho's dad couldn't calm his mom down. At all. She had her heart set on kicking the boy out. For good. His dad was crushed, Minho was their son. He couldn't stand to hear that his son was getting kicked out of the house, probably never to be seen again by either of them. 

The door opened and all eyes went to Minho, who looked terrified. 

"Minho, we need to have a talk," his mom said.

Minho sat down hesitantly, wanting to immediately take off running out the door, knowing neither of his parents would ever be able to keep up.

"We get that you're our son-" his mom started.

"But you're kicking me out. Yeah I kind of already saw this coming. It's of no surprise to me. Dad tried to change your mind and get you to accept me but you didn't and you eventually talked him into agreeing to just kick me out. I know," Minho finished for her.

Her eyes widened at that. His dad sat there, no expression on his face. He felt horrible for not doing anything to stop her. He wanted Minho to stay. He loved him. But there was really nothing he could do.

"So just to spare you from saying 'get out and never come back', I'll get out. And I'll never come back," Minho said before walking to his room to gather more belongings and walking out the door.

His parents sat there in shock. Whether they regretted their choice or not, Minho didn't know or care. He didn't want to live in a house where his parents didn't support him. He was done with that life. As soon as Minho got in the car, a thought came to his mind. It was out of nowhere and he didn't want to let himself think like that. He took out his phone and called Thomas before he did something stupid.

"Minho what's going on?" Thomas frantically asked.

"Get over here. Now. I'll explain when you're here but stay on the phone with me," Minho requested.

"You're scaring me. I'm getting in my car now but you're really worrying me. What's happening?" Thomas responded.

"It has nothing to do with my parents. But a thought came to my mind. And I need you with me so I don't do something stupid."

Thomas didn't hesitate to tell Minho he was on his way. He knew what "a thought came to my mind" meant. He was thinking suidical thoughts. It happened to Thomas from time to time and he wouldn't let Minho think that way. Or attempt it either.

"I'm coming. Don't do anything stupid. Just talk to me if it gets any worse. I'll stay on my phone the entire time," Thomas assured him.

Thomas went over the speed limit just to get to Minho faster. He was worried. He was really worried.

Minho sat there with his head in his hands trying to stop himself from thinking that way but there was nothing he could do. The thoughts didn't go away, if anything they got worse by the minute. For some reason he couldn't say anything to Thomas though. He couldn't find the words to say. 

Thomas got to Minho's house to see the boy sitting in his car with his head in his hands still. He got in the car with him and pulled him in for a hug. 

"It's okay, Minho. It'll be okay. I'll drive. You'll be fine," Thomas tried to convince him.

Minho said okay, yet he didn't really believe it entirely.

"I just don't know where these thoughts came from. I wasn't like this until I left the house and got in the car."

"It happens sometimes. I'm sure they'll go away eventually," Thomas said. 

Thomas then drove them back to his house so that Minho couldn't do anything stupid while driving. He would have to watch Minho carefully now. One wrong move or word, he could easily lose him. There was nothing more important to Thomas than making sure Minho was going to be okay. And that's what he intended on doing.

Sorry this was so depressing. Let's just say this. Writing about something like this kind of somewhat helps me keep my mind off of it. Because I'm not lying when I say I have suicidal thoughts at times. And considering everything I'm going through right now, I've been so depressed recently. Writing how I feel sometimes helps keep me from being stupid. And I don't mean I would kms I mean cutting or something like that. Yeah, I know, just randomly saying all this at once. But I'm okay. 

I'll try to update more often now. Hopefully it'll help me try to calm down some. Maybe. I don't know honestly. See you in the next chapter. BYEEEE

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