Chapter 14

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Thomas was starting to get worried about Minho. He had been in the bathroom for awhile, and there was no noise whatsoever. Thomas felt his breath hitch in his throat out of fear. He felt the strength to stand and knock on the bathroom door, just to make sure Minho was okay and didn't do anything stupid.

"Minho? You okay?" Thomas whispered. 

He heard water running  on the other side and figured Minho was just washing his hands. There was nothing to worry about, Minho wouldn't do anything like...that, would he? Thomas shook his head. There was no way.

Minho unlocked the door and had a slight smile on his face. Thomas didn't know that it was faked. Minho was anything but okay. Of course, Thomas didn't realize that. He didn't realize the smile was fake. Secretly, Minho wished he did. He wished Thomas would understand the pain he was in. Help him get through it. 

"You didn't do anything...stupid, did you?" Thomas checked. 

Minho tensed up. Did he come clean about the whole thing? Did he hide the cuts for weeks until they heal? Did he mention the blade that he hid somewhere only he would know where it was? No. Thomas couldn't think of Minho that way, he would hate him.

"No, why would I?" Minho struggled not to stutter, showing he was lying. Thomas bought it.

"Because of what you just went through," Thomas replied. 

"I didn't, Thomas. I'm okay, I promise," Minho answered with a slight smile. 

Thomas smiled back and pulled Minho in for a hug. He hugged back, but being careful not to hurt his left forearm. They pulled away and went to Thomas's room to work on homework. Minho suddenly stopped working and frowned.

"I...I don't want to go to school tomorrow, Tom," Minho said, barely above a whisper.

Thomas's eyes widened and he looked down. That was when Minho realized what he had done. He was the only one who knew about what happened with Brenda, and HE was the one who messed up and called him Tom. 

"I mean- oh my god. Thomas I'm so sorry," Minho apologized. 

Thomas knew Minho didn't mean it. He knew it was a mistake, hell. Thomas shouldn't even be crying over Brenda anymore. It was the fact that no one had called him Tom except for her.

"It's okay, Min Min. You didn't mean to. I understand," Thomas replied.

Minho slightly smiled and then frowned again.

"I still don't want to go to school. It's going to be bad, Thomas. You know that as well as I do. At least you know how to handle it...," Minho whispered.

And he wasn't lying. Thomas did know how to handle the bullying for being in the LGBT community. His parents understood. His friends stood up for him. Despite everyone bullying him, he found a way to just ignore it eventually. Minho had never gone through that because he never told anyone. Until Thomas came around, he planned to keep it that way for the rest of his life. 

"It'll be okay. Just...don't turn to what I'm afraid you will," Thomas warned.

"What do you mean? Cutting?" Minho asked.

Thomas nodded. "Don't turn to that. If it gets bad enough we can go talk to someone about it. I know you don't like it, but if it helps, we'll have to do whatever. I'll do anything to help you, Minho."

Minho was ashamed. He had already done it. Thomas couldn't find out. He couldn't know. If he finds out anything, Minho had to lie. But he knew Thomas would find out eventually. Minho said nothing in response to what Thomas had said.

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