Chapter 6

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Thomas kept quiet and looked down. He honestly liked Newt, he was a good friend to him already. The second they met they clicked. But could he trust Newt knowing this? Considering how close Minho and Newt were. It would be risky to tell him, yet Thomas would probably go insane if he didn't tell someone.

"I mean...maybe?" Thomas said, trying to hide it. "He's a cool guy. He really is."

"Tommy, you know what I mean. I mean do you like like him. Dude you can trust me. Do we have friendship or do we not have friendship?"

(Beccaplier2004 gets it)

"We have friendship, Newt. And...I guess I can trust you," Thomas began. Newt made a fake offended face then smiled and chuckled. " Minho."

Thomas rolled his eyes as Newt started jumping around and squealing like a little school girl. They realized they should probably start heading towards their class considering they were about to be late.

"You know, I have a sneaking suspicion that he likes you. I mean, he asked you to stay the night THE FIRST DAY HE MET YOU!! You guys spent like 15 minutes alone while I got shot by cops after hijacking cars."

Thomas scrunched up his face. Since when did Newt hijack cars?

"I was playing Grand Theft Auto, you idiot! But for real. Talk to him," Newt retorted.

Timeskip- lunch

Thomas and Newt were sitting down, eating the cafeteria pizza. Which isn't nearly as good as Pizza Hut. They saw Minho go through the lunch line, but instead of him going over with his track friends, he came and sat with Newt and Thomas. Thomas was looking down at his phone, so he didn't notice. Newt nudged him, making Thomas look up. He wiggled his eyebrows up and down.

Thomas tried to avoid all eye contact with both Minho and Newt. He didn't want to look either of them in the eye, considering what he just confessed to. Thomas had absolutely no idea Minho was talking to him.

"Bro!" Minho shouted, scaring Thomas to death. Thomas jumped and looked up for the first time since Minho came to sit with them. "Teresa keeps staring at you. It's really creepy."

Thomas looked in the direction Minho was pointing and saw a girl. The same girl from the track yesterday. She didn't bother looking away when Thomas met her gaze.

"She totally likes you. Don't do it. She's...she's odd. I told you about it last night," Minho mentioned.

Thomas honestly didn't want to anyway. He hoped Newt was right. That Minho had feelings for Thomas. Thomas was snapped out of his daze when he heard a soft voice.

"Hey, Minho," a girl said.

Thomas looked up and saw the girl in the picture Minho showed him. Taylor was it? In the picture, she had glasses on, yet she's either not wearing them, or has in contacts. She was really pretty.

"Oh, hey, Tay. Haven't talked much recently," Minho replied. He smiled slightly, looking back down. "Wait what is it?"

"So you know that partner project in math?" She asked him. He nodded, looking back at her. "I don't really like or talk to ANYONE else in that class except you. And I mean-" he cut her off.

"I'd be happy to be your partner. Honestly, everyone else in that class sucks."

Thomas glanced at Taylor and saw a blush on her face. She clearly likes him. And that triggered Thomas's jealousy. But he didn't let it show.

"Thanks, Min! I'm going to go talk to Rebecca now."

(Yes, Becca. You have a cameo of a line or two soon)

Taylor walked away and Minho looked back down.

"Dude she totally likes you!" Newt exclaimed. "Maybe give her a chance?"

Thomas felt hurt. Why would Newt ask Minho that, knowing how Thomas felt about him? Thomas lightly nudged Newt under the table and looked his way with a confused look.

Newt put his hand up and mouthed "I've got this" to Thomas.

"Yeah, I like her, but I have my eyes on someone else. She hardly talks to me," Minho answered.

"Who else could you possibly like? The other girls are either preppy- huh...right up your alley!- or completely weird," Newt replied.

"She doesn't go here. She's a friend who lives near me."

And yet Thomas knew he was lying. Because Minho told him he had a crush on a "he", not a "her". Of course, Newt doesn't know Minho is bi, so neither could say anything.

"Oh, okay then. Good luck," Newt replied, not entirely believing him.

The rest of the day passed by quickly. Gym was fun for Thomas, considering he and Minho cracked jokes the entire time. Thomas took the bus home, considering he couldn't go to Minho's two nights in a row. He walked inside and threw his bag on the floor.

"HEY MOM! I'M HOME!" Thomas hollered.

Thomas heard his mom run down the stairs to greet him. His dad worked until 6, so he wouldn't be home for a few hours.

"Hi, honey! How were your first few days of school? We didn't get to talk yesterday," Thomas's mom stated.

"Well, I met a few friends, as you know. Newt and Minho. Then, there's a girl who keeps staring at me- Teresa. The guys think she likes me. There's another girl, Taylor. She doesn't know me, but she has a crush on Minho but...," Thomas starts. He stops.

Did he want to tell his mom yet? What would she say about him? Thomas stopped worrying. She's his mom! Why would he even bother trying to hide this from her??

"What is it, Thomas?"

"Well, I said that there's a girl who likes Minho. Well...I do too," Thomas whispered.

His mom had a sympathetic smile on her face.

"What about Minho? Is he...." She stopped, expecting Thomas to finish the sentence. Whether he was bi or not. Thomas shrugged. He had to lie. Keep his friend's secret safe. "Oh. I'm sorry, Thomas. Maybe he is, maybe you have a chance with him."

Thomas couldn't do anything but hope that he had a chance with Minho. That he didn't take Newt's advice. It's not that Thomas wanted Minho to not be happy, he obviously wanted him to be happy. But...Thomas wanted it to be with him. Wanted Minho to be happy with him.

It was 10 before Thomas went and lied down. He still had the thought in the back of his head. The fear that Thomas wasn't right for Minho. That Minho WOULD ask Taylor out before Thomas could even attempt a move. That Thomas wasn't even Minho's crush.

For the first time since the breakup with Brenda, Thomas cried himself to sleep.

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