Chapter 7

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A few weeks had passed. Minho realized his true feelings for Thomas, and wanted to confess those feelings. All he could do was hope Thomas felt the same. If not, it's not necessarily the end of the world.

Minho walked into the school and saw Thomas standing against the wall talking to Teresa. Wait- what?? Not to eavesdrop, but I managed to catch a few words of the conversation.

"So Thomas. Would you maybe want to go out for dinner?" Teresa asked him.

He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well, I mean, I have feelings for someone else, but I have no chance with him...," Thomas sadly stated. "I suppose that's fine. What time?"

Minho felt crushed. Right as he was about to confess.... Before Thomas was able to turn around and see Minho, he took off running. Not looking back at the two.

Minho was looking forward, but he had a few stray tears blurring his vision. He couldn't see a thing. The image of Thomas and Teresa was burned in his mind. Minho unfortunately ran straight into Gally.

"Sorry-" Minho began.

"Watch where you're going, asshole!" Gally exclaimed. Gally had to be the one with the worst profanity in the entire tenth grade. "What are you running from anyway?"

"It's...nothing," Minho stated, not wanting to show weakness. He didn't want a fight either. "Can I...go to class?"

"Why do you care? Also, I see those tears in your eyes! You're weak," Gally taunted.

Minho just wanted to get​ out of there. He wanted Thomas beside him backing him up. But...he wasn't there. Minho had to face Gally alone. He kept quiet, keeping his head down.

"Gally, please just stop. It's personal," Minho replied, still looking down. "I have somewhere to be. So please, get out of the way and let me get to class."

"You know what? Just because you think you're Mr Popular doesn't mean you can tell me what to do. You can't boss me around, just because everyone else listens to you like they're your dogs," Gally continued.

"Leave Minho alone, Gally," Thomas growled.

Minho felt a rush of relief, but he still wanted to get away before he broke down in tears.

"You need someone else to tell me what to do now? That's That's low, Minho."

Minho shoved his way past Gally and continued running. He heard Thomas chasing after him but he didn't stop.

"Minho, please, talk to me!" Thomas called.

"No! Just...leave me alone!" Minho yelled in response.

Thomas stopped trying. He just went to his locker in silence. He rarely talked to Newt in class. When Newt asked him if he was okay, he just said he had a migraine, and both boys shrugged it off.

At lunch, Minho sat with the three, but stayed quiet. He looked upset about something. Then, a girl walked over. Thomas had never seen her. She had shorter, straightened hair and glasses. She also had on the same flannel Taylor had in the picture Minho had of her.

"Hey, Minho, soooo Taylor was too scared to admit it but she wanted me to tell you that she likes you and wants to go on a date," the girl quickly threw out.

"Rebecca what...what are you going on about-"

Taylor ran over and pulled the girl up by the arm and ran. I heard the two bickering back and forth. Thomas didn't question it. Minho put his head in his hands and went quiet again.

Thomas felt a nudge in his side and turned his head to see Newt holding a note. Thomas grabbed it and opened it. he okay? He's not normally like this. Something's got to be getting to him. Any ideas at all? ~Newt

Thomas looked at Minho and still saw him sitting with his head in his hands. Something really was bothering him. Did his parents find out? Thomas grabbed a pencil and quickly wrote out a response.

I have no idea. I can ask him in gym, but the way he's acting, he probably won't say a word to anyone all day. I'll try to talk to him later. I mean, he SHOULD trust me enough. ~Thomas

Newt read Thomas's note and nodded his head. Minho looked down at his phone and suddenly stood up and left the table. It honestly hurt Thomas to see his friend looking this hurt and upset, but if Minho wouldn't open up to him, there was nothing he could do to help him. 

In Minho's head, he couldn't think of anything but Thomas and Teresa. He couldn't think of anything else. He couldn't see anything else. The image was scarred in his mind, keeping him from moving on from the moment. He heard voices in the back of his mind.

You're no good for him.

He would never love you, Minho. You have to realize this.

You're a terrible person.

Minho couldn't handle it anymore. He texted Rebecca instantly, asking her to deliver a message to Taylor. He stood from the table, not bothering to look Thomas or Newt in the eyes. There was nothing Minho could do to ignore the fact that Thomas didn't want him. He didn't want to face anyone else. He didn't want to face his parents interrogating him. He didn't want to fake a smile to avoid their questioning. And if his parents thought nothing was wrong, he didn't want to hear it. No one understands. 

What's even worse is that Minho can't go to anyone now. He had Thomas. He ONLY had Thomas. Now, he has no one. He can't talk to Thomas about this, considering it's ABOUT Thomas. Unless he could trust Taylor and Rebecca. Minho wanted to believe he could. He started a group chat with the two girls and told them to meet him directly after school at the track.

Thomas and Newt sat at the table alone. Teresa wasn't in the cafeteria today, so she wasn't sitting with Thomas and Newt. Neither of the two of them said much.

"Hey, Tommy? Do you think you could try to talk to Minho again? It's just...he's my best friend. Knowing that he's hurt like this kills me. And it hurts even worse not knowing what's hurting him. He won't open up to anyone. I can't handle it, Tommy. Knowing that my best friend doesn't even trust me enough to tell me what's bothering him," Newt stated. 

Thomas looked over at Newt and saw him in near tears. This had to be killing him. That Minho wouldn't talk to either of them. Thomas reached over and pulled Newt into a hug, allowing him to let a few tears fall. 

"I'll try, Newt. I promise."

Lunch was over, therefore, meaning it was time for gym. Thomas was usually really excited for gym. But not today. Because if Minho isn't talking to him, it's no fun at all. But he has to try to talk to Minho. He has no other choice. For Newt. For himself. Walking into the gym, he sees the boy in the corner on his phone, the same somber expression plastered on his face. Thomas jogged over.

"Minho. Please. Talk to me. Newt is DYING. He can't handle the fact that he has no idea what's wrong. And because of that, he can't help you get through it. You have to tell me," Thomas pleaded. 

Minho looked up from his phone, placing it in his bag before walking over with Thomas. Neither looked up from the ground.

"Like I told Gally. Personal reasons. It's nothing anyone can help with anyway...," Minho whispered.

"You have to give us a chance, Min. You're our friend. You have to trust us," Thomas begged. 

Minho shook his head. "This is how I am, Thomas. I don't like getting others involved in my own problems. I don't want you guys involved. I'll be okay."

Despite how straight faced Minho said it, Thomas didn't believe him.

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