Chapter 1

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As Thomas stepped off the bus, he was overwhelmed by the size of the school. It was at least twice the size of his old school. He kept repeating the same thing over and over in his head.

Stay quiet, talk to no one. Stay quiet, talk to no one. Stay quiet, talk to no one.

He had asked his friends for their advice and that's exactly what they suggested. And he figured it would work, considering some of them were ones that moved to his school- they weren't there from the start like Thomas was.

As long as he kept to himself, he wouldn't be made fun of. Pushed around. Looked down upon. Hated by all. No one could judge him.

Thomas's secret was that he was bi. Other than his friends and an occasional family member, most people didn't accept him. Because of it. And until his friends started sticking up for him back in New York, he was pushed around and bullied a lot. He had been shoved into his locker multiple times a year since 7th grade- when he realized he was bi.

Moving here, he didn't know if anyone would accept him. He didn't know if he would be hated, or if people would take him in. He stepped into the halls and looked up and down the rows of lockers. His parents brought him here once. And it was only a brief visit so he could see his locker and a few classes, and meet the superintendent and principal.

Thomas stood at his locker, struggling to open it. There was NO reason why he should be struggling, he had the exact same kind of locker back in New York. It must just be first day jitters. As Thomas was struggling with his locker, he felt a hand gently touch his shoulder. He jumped, turning around quickly. He saw a boy with blonde hair.

"Sorry about that. You need any help there?" The boy said.

He had a soft, British accent with a gentle smile. Thomas thought maybe, just MAYBE, he and this boy could make friends.

Thomas could get no words out. He just slowly nodded his head.

"Can I see your combination?" The boy asked. "Oh, sorry! Didn't even bloody introduce myself. I'm Newt. You are?"

"T-Thomas. I just moved here so I don't know the all," Thomas introduced himself.

He handed Newt his schedule, which contained his combination. Newt opened the boy's locker with no problem.

"No thanks necessary. I can show you around, I glanced at your schedule, we seem to have about the same classes. The only difference is gym. I have a friend though, he can probably help you there," Newt explained.

Thomas couldn't help but smile. Newt seemed like a really sweet boy. His first day, not even an entire hour in. And he already broke his only rule.

Stay quiet, talk to no one.

Yeah, forget that. Change it to "talk to no one but Newt". After Thomas grabbed his books, Newt lead him to their first class, which was math.

"Just sit here, Tommy. That...that is okay if I call you that, right?" Newt asked, gesturing to a seat beside his own. He seemed...worried?

"Don't seem so worried, Newt. It's fine," Thomas replied.

Both boys smiled. A friendship was blooming between the two instantly.

Math passed by quickly. Too quickly. It was always one of Thomas's favorite classes. Newt then lead him to their next class. Thomas then had two more classes with Newt before lunch, then he had gym. Which Newt didn't.

The morning classes zipped by the two and before they knew it, Newt was leading Thomas down to the cafeteria for lunch.

"The lunch, could be better, but you'll eat it if you're hungry enough. I've been at this school all my life. If the food killed you, I wouldn't be here," Newt joked. He chuckled slightly after that statement.

During lunch, Newt waved at a boy. Thomas wasn't able to get a good look at the boy from how fast he was going.

"That's the friend. He's the one who you'll meet in gym, he'll help you out from there. If he doesn't, tell him 'Newt said' and he'll do it. He always listens to me...most of the time," Newt explained.

The boys ate their lunch making small talk in the process. What Thomas's old school was like, if he had a girlfriend, stuff like that. Thomas purposely didn't bring up the fact that he was bi. If he felt that maybe if he could trust Newt enough, he could tell him later this week.

It was then time for gym. Thomas was at his locker putting his books away when Newt came up to him.

"Hey, so he told me he would meet you down there. You know where the gym is, right?" Newt confirmed.

Thomas nodded, briefly remembering where it was. Newt waved and walked to his next class, while Thomas ran down the stairs to gym.

The class started off running. Surprisingly- or maybe not surprising- Thomas ran a lot back in New York. So he was one of the fastest in the class. Thomas sort of ignored the others in the class.

Short timeskip to the end of class

Thomas was about to walk out the door when a student put their hand on his shoulder. He swiftly turned around and couldn't believe the sight.

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